the new testing system relies on the university's net badge single sign-on mechanism for a user authentication so and your credentials upon entering the system you see the exams and quizzes that have been assigned to you with separate tiles for each course I have yet to take this particular quiz so the only option available to me is to take it you're provided with exam instructions and need to acknowledge the honor code on each exam please remember that with the honor code you are agreeing not to save or reproduce this exam or any feedback from this exam or share it with any others the exam format is very similar to the USMLE format with a couple of minor differences that we believe make the testing system more usable your name progress and time remaining are along the top along the bottom give some basic navigation tools it will cover just a minute obviously the center of the screen has the question text and the responses itself selecting responses as done as you would expect by selecting individual options to strike out a response perhaps to remove it from consideration you use the grey X's over on the right the mark checkbox can be helpful during the exam review you can also capture any thoughts in a notes field when standard feature that's not particularly visible is the ability to highlight text in the question it's a simple click and drag operation lab values are available to you on every question should you need to refer them and typically open up in a separate tab or window should you hit the submit exam button you'll be prompted to confirm that you truly intend to end your exam there is also a pause exam feature and is displayed on the screen your timer continues to run during the pause take a moment to consider the statement about net badge if another person accesses your laptop while your exam is paused they will be logged in as you and should they navigate back to the testing system they will be logged in as you so if taking the exam in a non-secure environment make sure that you completely exit out of your browser on the Mac platform this typically means that you need to completely quit your browser when you navigate back to the exam you should be returned to the place where you just left off the go-to feature allows you to navigate to any question in the exam and it also gives you an indication whether the question has been answered and are marked by you as you hit the five minute remaining mark in your quiz you will see a soft notification that will appear above the question on each question in your exam pop flying I've completed answering the the remaining questions so let's take a look at the review exam feature it presents the exam in a table format with indication of questions you have previously marked you also have the ability to filter the list down to just those marked questions if you so choose the review exam table does provide you direct access to the questions by just clicking on the road when you return to it you should see your highlights and notes from when you first went through the question with my completed exam I'm going to go ahead and use the and exam button and confirm it this particular exam offers the opportunity to challenge questions this feature is configured on an exam by exam basis they're typically limited to three question challenges and typically to a 30-minute time limit once you submit your exam to be clear this challenge feature does not surface on all quizzes and exams you'll see it used most often on summative exams when I enter the challenge mode I see each question in my exam simply enter the reason for your challenging the question perhaps the image isn't large enough to discern the proper response or perhaps the wording of the question was ambiguous like it is here once I've completed challenging my questions I'm offered an opportunity to view feedback if I happen to return to the online testing system after taking the exam I am also allowed the opportunity to view the feedback from my exam this feedback option is enabled for most quizzes and exams and comes in a couple of different forms immediate and final the immediate option is what we're seeing here so immediately upon completing the exam if the instructor chose the final feedback option you wouldn't see the exam feedback option until the results were reviewed and published typically one or two days after the exam is taken the amount of time that feedback is available is another parameter set by the instructor feedback on quizzes and formative exams are often made available until the end of the course while feedback on summative exams are often limited to 10 days within the feedback itself you're given summary information about the execution of your exam including your score you have an option for toggling the questions between only those that were incorrect or all questions each question should appear as it was in the exam with question feedback provided by the instructor and the learning objectives that are associated with the question so that wraps up our brief demonstration of the online testing system thank you