00:00 DISCOVERING REGRESSION THERAPY: A LOVE STORY 00:03 Past Lives: A researcher's perspective. 00:05 I’m at the University of Virginia in the United States. It’s in the Department of Psychiatry, 00:10 that we have a special research division called the ‘Division of Perceptual Studies’ 00:15 where we look at phenomena that relate to the mind-brain question and also 00:21 the questions of survival after death. So I’m a child psychiatrist and my particular interest is in 00:27 children who say that they remember past lives. And this is a work that has gone on at the university 00:36 for 50 years. It involves these children from all over the world basically, who had from a very early age 00:42 start saying they remember past lives. What our work has involved is trying to determine exactly 00:48 what the child has said and how well it matches the life of somebody who died and then also whether the child 00:57 could have learnt that information through normal means. So with our work we have now studied 01:03 over 2,500 cases. The children can come out with very specific details, sometimes names for somebody 01:11 who lived quite some distance away, sometimes quite some time ago, and yet the details all fit. 01:18 And then along with the statements, the apparent memories. The children would show a lot of emotions 01:25 or behaviors that seem to fit also. Sometimes they recognize people, or recognize buildings or places 01:33 at the old place where the previous person lived. So it all adds up to quite an interesting phenomenon 01:42 where there does seem to be this connection between a past life and the current child. 01:48 Well, we certainly try to use a scientific approach where we don’t assume anything is the case if 01:55 we don’t have to. So every case we approach is an open question, ‘What is the best explanation?’ 02:00 And then It involves trying to nail down every detail that we can. We’ve got... I specialize in the past life memory work, 02:11 we have another researcher looking at near death experiences and then we have a laboratory 02:16 where they do measurements like EEG brainwave kind of measurements, as people are trying to do 02:23 parapsychological tasks. All told there may be 5 or 6 of us working on this, along with the support research 02:34 assistant and that sort of thing. We have a lot of cases, one that I studied fairly recently was: 02:41 There is a little boy in Oklahoma, which is in south west of US, who started saying that he had a life in Hollywood 02:48 And would get very upset about it, crying about missing his life. So his mom checked out a couple of books 02:55 on old Hollywood from the library to see if there were still more specific memories so that he could 03:00 deal with them. They were looking through them one day and there was a picture from an old movie 03:06 and he stopped and pointed at one of the men and said ‘Hey that’s George, I made a movie with him’, 03:11 and the man he pointed to was George Raft, a movie star back in, like the 30’s . 03:16 And then he pointed to another man and said ‘Hey and that’s me, I found me!’ Well, the fella that he pointed to, 03:23 turned out was an extra who had no lines in the movie, so it was impossible to identify who he was… 03:29 seemingly impossible. So the mother wrote to me to see if I could help to identify him. 03:35 Eventually, through a lot of work and the efforts of a Hollywood archivist we were able to identify that man. 03:44 Meanwhile the mom was sending me emails all the time, talking about statements that this little boy is making 03:51 about the past life. He talked about how he had danced on Broadway in New York, and then gone to Hollywood. 03:58 He was in the movies, and then he worked for an agency, he said that he had seen the world on big boats 04:05 and he had a house with a big swimming pool, and all this seemed quite unlikely to me for an extra 04:14 with no lines in a movie. But when we eventually identified the fella, he in fact had had that life. 04:21 He had danced on Broadway, he’d gone to Hollywood, he was in the movies for a while and then 04:26 he started a successful talent agency. He and his wife went to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth. 04:35 The little boy had said that the street address had the word ‘Rock’, and the street address of this house 04:43 was ‘Roxbury’. So this was one where the child gave a lot of specific details about something 04:48 that looked a long time ago, the fella had died 50 years before this little boy was born. 04:52 And it seemed impossible that he could have learnt about that through any normal means, 04:56 so it looked like there was this connection with this fella’s past life. 05:01 I don’t think that we can just map these cases on to a mainstream materialistic view of the world, I think 05:09 what they seem to indicate is that consciousness is not limited just to the physical brain but can continue on 05:17 after the brain dies. I think there are reasons, other reasons, to consider that consciousness should be 05:25 considered separate from the physical world, that it’s a separate entity. And it’s not necessarily dependent on 05:30 the physical world, in fact the reverse may well be true, that the physical world is dependent on consciousness. 05:36 So in these cases this consciousness has continued after the brain died and for whatever reasons has shown 05:44 up again in somebody, another person that was born. That doesn’t mean that it will typically happen 05:50 but it is what appears to have happened, in our strongest cases anyway.