00:09 he was two years old he saw a lady on TV 00:15 and he said I wasn't with those when I 00:17 was a girl 00:21 so I said all right when were you a girl 00:25 I said before I came to you 00:27 this came out over a period of time 00:30 before he came to us he had been a girl 00:34 and he got married and he married a man 00:37 called George and they've had a baby and 00:40 George didn't like the baby so she had 00:45 taken herself and the child to a bridge 00:48 and jumped off it and killed herself in 00:50 the child my son was two years old and 01:02 he suddenly said mummy 01:05 well as an old man I was very very sad 01:08 and I asked him why he said it was 01:14 because his house had burnt down and his 01:16 two daughters had been standing at the 01:18 bedroom window in their smocks and they 01:22 were burnt to death 01:25 around the world thousands of children 01:28 from different backgrounds and religions 01:30 have described a life they have lived 01:33 before the belief in the survival of the 01:37 soul is an ancient one but the fact that 01:39 these children talk about events which 01:41 seem beyond their childhood experience 01:43 is considered by some to be evidence of 01:47 reincarnation 02:07 button on your radio dial 02:19 personality studies 02:22 yes we're division within the Department 02:24 of psychiatric medicine at the 02:26 University of Virginia at the division 02:30 of personality studies in 02:32 Charlottesville Virginia 02:33 there are 2,700 documented cases of 02:37 children who talk about a previous life 02:40 these children come from around the 02:43 world southern Asia West Africa Europe 02:46 and the United States scientists at the 02:51 center of international research are 02:53 hoping to find proof of reincarnation 02:55 so they carefully investigate new cases 02:58 as they emerge my son Harley was three 03:06 years and three months old when I first 03:08 heard him speak of something which 03:09 indicates a prior life experience it was 03:11 on Halloween 1997 I don't have a problem 03:15 believing in reincarnation though until 03:16 Harley started telling me things about 03:18 his other mama I never really thought 03:20 about it in any concrete way I would 03:22 like to ask him more about it but I 03:24 don't want to do so in a way that will 03:25 suggest answers to him any suggestions 03:28 sincerely pamela pesco Salido 03:33 you 03:38 I'm in a town called Exeter California 03:41 which has about 10,000 people and I'm 03:45 going to visit a mother and a little boy 03:49 who has said some things about having 03:52 lived before 03:55 we've got over a hundred American cases 03:59 in the files and they tend to break down 04:03 into two camps they're the same family 04:06 cases where the child remembers a 04:09 deceased relative I have been there the 04:13 unsolved stranger cases like this one 04:16 where the child has made statements 04:20 about a stranger that so far we've not 04:24 been able to identify the best case 04:29 scenarios that I meet with them they're 04:34 very straightforward and seem like 04:36 honest reasonable people he's made a 04:40 fair number of rather specific 04:43 statements so if I'm able to verify it 04:46 it'll be a very strong case 04:57 the worst case scenario I suppose the 05:01 worst would be where I begin to suspect 05:04 it's fraud as far as we know we only 05:07 have the mother as a witness so even if 05:10 we assess her and don't think that fraud 05:13 would be involved it does increase the 05:15 chance that she had simply 05:16 misinterpreted some statements that the 05:19 board has made Pam hi I'm Jim Tucker 05:24 good to meet you and this must be Harley 05:29 hi Harley 05:51 this is Jim Tucker this is an interview 05:54 with Pam Pesce cielito on May 28 2010 05:59 Harley who is the subject 06:05 all right so when was the first time 06:08 that Harley said anything that might be 06:11 related to this when he was a - around - 06:17 he when he got in trouble or sent to his 06:21 room or for something he would sit in 06:22 his room howling over and over again I 06:25 want my mama even though when I walked 06:27 in the room and stood in front of him 06:29 saying Here I am he would still keep 06:32 saying I want my mama then when he was 06:35 three on Halloween we went 06:39 trick-or-treating at one of the 06:40 neighborhoods over there on the other 06:41 side of town 06:42 we pretty much exhausted the 06:44 possibilities of that particular 06:46 neighborhood and I said okay well let's 06:47 get in the truck and drive over to the 06:48 other side of town and he said oh you 06:50 mean the part of town where we used to 06:52 live and I said well we've never lived 06:55 in town and he said oh I'm when I lived 06:58 with my other mama I was like that your 07:03 other mama and who was that I don't know 07:09 if it was then or or later that he said 07:11 I've heard her name was Stacey yeah you 07:16 remember that 07:24 today we dimension the road being paid 07:27 for had you guys done anything special 07:28 are you just there's like our way up 07:30 from work there are other statements 07:32 that added to Pam's concern Polly had 07:36 pointed to a road they passed every day 07:38 and said oh they've paved it now 07:41 yet the road was paved thirty years 07:43 before he talked about an older brother 07:47 pushing him out of a tree and going on a 07:49 camping trip to the mountains with his 07:51 other mother Stacy 07:53 Hartley's story fits the pattern of many 07:56 of these cases he said these things 07:58 repeatedly when he first learned to 08:00 speak and stopped when he began school 08:02 at the age of five Harley also had a 08:06 birthmark which in such cases is thought 08:08 to be a physical reminder of injuries 08:11 received in the previous life he could 08:14 also remember his own death and he had 08:18 also mentioned when he died I think it 08:21 he said 15 or 17 or I honestly don't 08:24 remember right now but it was a teenaged 08:27 age and I think in the letter you 08:33 mentioned he said he died in a car 08:34 accident right in a car accident I asked 08:37 him how he died anything in the car 08:39 accident I mean I believed him I believe 08:45 that he was saying something that was 08:48 true to him 08:52 it's like I believe that you believe it 08:54 no it did not seem that he was kidding 08:58 he did not seem like he was kidding 09:01 because he would say it all it just very 09:04 matter-of-factly usually when he's 09:06 making up stories he puts on his silly 09:07 little boys like yeah I know but he 09:11 wasn't doing that at all no don't break 09:17 your neck please it's possible that he 09:22 was doing to make believe and that she 09:25 took it a little too seriously 09:28 certainly a lot of kids have imaginary 09:30 friends that is sort of make-believe but 09:33 where they're not quite sure that it's 09:34 mainly I didn't get the sense that Pam 09:40 was particularly wrapped up in the idea 09:43 of having a child who was a repressed 09:44 taste I mean even though she agreed to a 09:47 television interview she is keeping it 09:50 pretty hush-hush I'm she hadn't even 09:52 told her mother so I don't think she's 09:55 seeking publicity or anything like that 10:02 it's a very Christian right wing sort of 10:05 town and they I just don't know that 10:09 these new agey sorts of ideas you want 10:13 to call them those that are something 10:15 that would go over big with the local 10:16 community but I don't know maybe they 10:20 would be Jesus got born again so who's 10:26 to say authentication of Harley's story 10:30 is essential if this case is to be 10:32 anything other than a curiosity the key 10:37 is to find whether Hartley's previous 10:40 personality ever existed I started at 10:44 the date of Harley's birth I'm just 10:48 working my way back looking through the 10:50 obituaries and any stories of car 10:55 accidents like here's an accident where 10:59 six people were injured but it looks 11:01 like nothing to kill if we find that a 11:05 15 year old named Jonathan was killed in 11:09 a car accident and he get a mother named 11:10 Stacy you know we had our man 11:18 well I went through the newspaper 11:20 archives that only got through 94 and 11:24 983 I found one Jonathan that was 19 11:28 when he was killed in a car accident of 11:32 course Harley had said that he was 15 11:39 but also the mother's name didn't match 11:42 I think this one his name Sylvia where 11:45 the one thing that Harley seemed certain 11:47 to Belle is that his mother had been 11:49 named Stacy where are you gonna get what 11:55 no no I need the picture you're just 11:56 standing there 11:58 finding a previous personality match 12:00 isn't scientific proof of reincarnation 12:03 but these cases constantly throw up 12:06 questions which investigators are 12:08 compelled to address yeah thank you very 12:10 much good job and my experiences the 12:21 child psychiatrist it seems clear that 12:23 three and four year olds do not have any 12:26 meaningful understanding of death he may 12:30 say it but not running of any means when 12:32 many of these children speak of having 12:36 to find like that 12:37 that implies that a sudden death or a 12:40 violent death contributes to the 12:44 children being able to remember it 12:46 doesn't necessarily mean that 12:49 contributes to the reincarnating of that 12:52 would be a possibility 13:05 it busy man Berlin after the accident I 13:09 was watching what was being done to me 13:11 my younger sister cried a lot 13:14 there was a garland of my body when I 13:16 was brought home I've seen a photograph 13:18 of my corpse and the garland is there in 13:21 the photograph I can't remember much 13:25 after that 13:27 I was in darkness and saw some light I 13:31 remember coming in the direction of the 13:33 light and then I was reborn 14:01 in the east 14:03 there is a long-established tradition of 14:05 children with past life memories in 14:08 Buddhism the main religion in Sri Lanka 14:11 there is a firm belief that the Dead 14:13 will be reborn back into the physical 14:15 world on the path towards spiritual 14:18 enlightenment or Nirvana this is a 14:23 culture where reincarnation isn't a hope 14:25 but an expectation dr. Erlinda haraldson 14:32 has investigated over 60 cases in sri 14:35 lanka he is found that compared to the 14:38 West children here recall specific 14:41 details which makes it easier to 14:43 discover the identity of the person the 14:45 child claims to have been before dr. 14:48 harold s'en considers the case of poor 14:50 Nima to be one of his strongest I came 14:54 to know the case of Buddha Nima in 1996 14:58 and I purposed it was not the nineteen 15:03 into January 2000 so we studied it for 15:09 some while we can say like for three 15:11 years 15:13 dr. harrelson and his interpreter have 15:16 visited poor Nina's family many times to 15:18 investigate her story they live in a 15:21 small town called baka muna in the 15:23 central province her father is a head 15:26 teacher of a local school all her family 15:29 are practicing Buddhists till uncle 15:33 agreed a school even when poor Nima was 15:35 about school-age she asked me if I 15:36 wanted to know where her mother and 15:38 father were from I thought she meant me 15:40 and my husband so I ignored her and she 15:43 said her other parents were living in 15:45 Colonia about 140 miles away from here 15:48 she went on talking about her previous 15:50 life she talked about fragrance a sweet 15:53 smell anything she made 15:56 own food or clothes she said I want to 15:58 take it to my mother-in-law on it 16:02 purnima was three years old when she 16:05 started talking about her past life but 16:07 what's unusual is that now age 12 she 16:10 still has the same memories family said 16:13 it beating me gimme I was a man before 16:16 my real name is jenna dasa I was caught 16:20 in a sauna but they call me dinner dasa 16:22 I had a sister in younger brothers 16:25 mindin I am EDI he what I did in those 16:30 days was to manufacture incense steps 16:33 and then distribute evenly shops we had 16:36 vehicles but mostly I went on post bike 16:39 I spent a lot of time traveling from 16:41 place to place 16:42 Loretta Linden as a small child Ponemah 16:47 could describe not just the way she used 16:49 to make incense but the names of the 16:52 brand's she sold 16:53 Ambika and get a pitcher her parents 16:56 were baffled 17:05 in Colonia and Gorda 140 miles away live 17:09 the VG city family who are incense 17:11 makers they are the only family in the 17:14 country registered to make Ambika and 17:17 get abuja incense the brand's Ponemah 17:20 talked about one member of this family 17:23 gina dasa was killed in an accident four 17:26 years before Ponemah was born when 17:28 Poornima first described her past life 17:31 memories these families separated by 17:34 distance and class had never met oh yeah 17:39 Jenna dasa was my brother he 17:43 manufactured incense sticks for a living 17:45 we worked together before he had his 17:47 accident was it but anger TV and elegido 17:52 Anila that day Junaid Arthur and I we 17:56 started together from Galvani junction 17:58 and separated at will in Picchu 18:00 we were on push bikes with our incense 18:02 packed in boxes 18:03 Junaid also said he was going to dull 18:05 Kanda so I sawed my incense nearby and 18:09 someone asked me where is Jenna dasa I 18:12 got down to the Del counted unction and 18:15 I had to cross the road I got off my 18:18 bike and tried to cross to the other 18:20 side and I saw a bus coming I didn't 18:23 like the where it was heading towards me 18:25 but then the bus came right by did not 18:28 me down when I opened my eyes I was on 18:32 to the bars yeah 18:45 like real while the other way at about 18:48 2:00 in the afternoon the police came 18:50 and show me a packet of incense and said 18:52 that the person who was selling this had 18:53 been run over by a bus it was the new 18:56 goda police and they had a packet of 18:58 Ambika incense and then I realized what 19:01 it meant 19:12 when she was very young 19:14 for Nima's memories were overwhelming 19:16 she had difficulty in separating her 19:19 past life from her present one then when 19:22 she was five a new teacher came to work 19:24 at her father's school he lived in the 19:27 area where she claimed to have lived 19:28 before then Maggie we'd little bit of 19:32 the body the Nima's father is my head 19:34 teacher I work in his school in the week 19:37 and go home to kill her near at weekends 19:39 I told him that I could make 19:41 investigations he didn't tell me to do 19:44 it I went home and mentioned this and my 19:47 brother-in-law said that he didn't 19:48 believe in rebirth he suggested we 19:51 investigate the matter together to see 19:53 if there was any truth to the story 19:55 Martine I mad at you 20:04 of the mayor Xavier huddle you made 20:07 inquiries here first because Purnima 20:09 remembered praying at this famous temple 20:11 in kill in the air before we asked if 20:14 there was anyone near here who made 20:15 incense sticks I was told there was a 20:18 village across the water over there 20:20 where there were several families who 20:21 made them we managed to find the place 20:24 and eventually discovered that someone 20:26 who made incense sticks had died in a 20:28 road accident 20:33 don't overload when the teacher suma 20:36 Nasiri reported back with positive 20:38 information we spoke to poor NEMA about 20:41 it and decided to go there I realized it 20:44 was true because poor NEMA had directed 20:46 the driver straight to the house after 20:49 we got out she led us there I couldn't 20:52 believe how strong her memories were if 20:54 she talked about how we'd pass upon and 20:56 described the house exactly as being on 20:59 a higher level in the road for NEMA was 21:08 only five years old when she first met 21:11 the family she has kept in written 21:13 contact over the years 21:39 all the family including Gina the tsa's 21:42 wife and daughter are convinced that 21:44 this 12 year old girl is his 21:46 reincarnation 21:50 they said they were sure from the moment 21:53 they first met 22:01 if I remember one day I was coming back 22:05 across the paddy fields and he young 22:07 girl was pointing at me and saying that 22:08 I was her brother-in-law I heard her 22:11 saying it she asked for her sister my 22:14 wife who wasn't here then she asked 22:17 where is she she went right around the 22:19 house looking for incense sticks that we 22:21 used to sell yeyo 22:23 she asked for a particular packet of 22:25 incense the packet wasn't here when she 22:27 came but we made it at the time when 22:29 Jana dasa was alive she asked why have 22:33 we changed the colors she was looking 22:35 for the vans she was asking lots of 22:37 questions 22:59 Parramatta Mail on the day of the trial 23:02 over Jenna das is dead we had to go to 23:05 the police station first her NEMA was 23:07 there too she went up to Jinnah dass's 23:10 sister and sat on her lap and kissed her 23:12 and called her my younger sister the 23:14 police were very confused and the 23:17 magistrate said it was very unusual she 23:21 kissed me 23:22 she knew who I was I was amazed when a 23:26 five year old is calling a grown woman 23:28 her younger sister it's a surprising 23:30 thing 23:39 I think the fact that they put this 23:42 that's the majority of the population 23:44 they believe in reincarnation that 23:47 certainly has an effect on the cases I 23:52 think here in Sri Lanka when a child 23:56 starts speaking about the previous life 23:58 I think then people here will listen 24:00 more carefully and they would listen in 24:03 Europe or North America in spite of that 24:11 there is an important additional factor 24:14 in this case about this after this 24:16 family was identified some way statement 24:20 come to fit then additionally to that it 24:24 turned out that Panama had the very 24:26 market the birth marks on the left side 24:30 of a chest at least a birthmark 24:32 correspond to the fatal injuries of 24:37 generosity were able to trace the 24:40 postmortem report regarding the death of 24:43 gino dasa he was run over by a bus and 24:48 his ribs on the left side were broken 24:52 they penetrate his lungs and probably 24:55 the greatest pain he felt was on the 24:58 side on the left side but of course 25:02 birthmarks start to form an embryo they 25:06 are not a matter of any cultural 25:08 influence Larry Ganem when I was little 25:16 I'd never heard of rebirth or 25:17 reincarnation I was going on my own 25:20 memory Miami when I went to see the 25:23 family I came to realize that rebirth 25:26 was something real something fracture 25:29 I learned about it through my experience 25:32 alone 25:36 these cases are suggestive of 25:39 reincarnating well someone said in the 25:43 night I believe in ghosts 25:45 but never during the day so profusely 25:47 from up to slowpokes 25:49 I have no idea what there's life after 25:59 death I have no idea whether God exists 26:02 I study the psychology of deception I've 26:05 look at the psychology behind 26:07 essentially things like magic tricks for 26:08 example how is that we managed to fool 26:10 ourselves we're watching a magician when 26:13 we go along to a magic show we want to 26:14 be fooled we make certain assumptions we 26:16 allow ourselves to be fooled when people 26:19 investigate reincarnation lots of 26:21 investigators want the claims to be true 26:23 then I partial the tool they want to 26:25 believe that people live before and so 26:27 they're prepared to make assumptions 26:28 prepare to look at the evidence 26:29 in a certain way and essentially in my 26:31 opinion trip themselves up 26:43 we conducted an experiment which assess 26:47 the role of of chance and prevalence of 26:50 reincarnation and essentially we wanted 26:53 to come up with a situation which was 26:56 very similar to what's happening in 26:57 actual cases of alleged reincarnation 27:00 there you have children saying they have 27:02 lived before the families go away they 27:05 look at often several families who 27:07 unfortunately lost a child and they find 27:09 matches with one particular family in 27:15 our experiment we went to four children 27:18 and simply ask them to make up an 27:20 imaginary person Katie Katie 27:28 what would he do he left to go to bed go 27:32 you like to miss his bedroom yeah little 27:35 girl cleaned up my house once we had the 27:45 stories we then needed to match them or 27:48 try and match them against various 27:50 actual deaths of children now the way in 27:54 which we did that was to look through 27:56 databases from national newspapers for 27:59 our child deaths of various types what 28:04 we found was with one particular story 28:07 there are in fact an incredible number 28:09 of matches 28:18 it was Molly that gave us the most 28:22 interesting case when we asked her to 28:24 make up an imaginary person she came up 28:26 with a child called Katie she said she 28:30 was an only child that she had red hair 28:31 blue eyes that she was dressed in pink 28:35 clothing that had a pattern on it and 28:36 particularly had flowers on it 28:44 that she was age three she enjoyed going 28:46 to the beach but that she'd run away in 28:48 fact run away from mummy that the 28:50 monsters had come as to what the 28:52 monsters looked like and they said that 28:54 they'll shed the bill like me that 28:57 actually the monsters are bitter and 28:59 actually killed her now 29:01 we came across instance where 29:03 unfortunately a child had been abducted 29:05 and killed and there were very very 29:07 strong similarities between the two 29:09 cases for example the child had been 29:12 abducted was an only child she had got 29:15 red hair she had got blue eyes 29:17 that's exactly as Molly described her on 29:19 the day that she's abducted she was 29:22 dressed in pink she had got patterned 29:25 clothing on and particularly she's 29:27 wearing a t-shirt with a flower on it 29:29 she was aged 3 she lived very close to 29:32 the beach she did run away on her own 29:34 and that's when a captain came along 29:37 took her away and unfortunately killed 29:39 her and you know he'd has looked rather 29:43 a lot like me 29:47 let's imagine that Molly had turned 29:50 round and said no I've lived before and 29:52 that Katie was my previous life we would 29:56 be looking at probably the best 29:58 reincarnation case of the century this 30:01 essentially is strong evidence 30:03 unfortunately as evidence against 30:05 reincarnation people should realize that 30:08 chance does explain quite a lot of 30:10 what's going on in the quotes genuine 30:12 reincarnation cases 30:22 scientific evidence of reincarnation is 30:24 obviously hard to prove coincidence and 30:28 religious belief may account for 30:29 children like Ponemah but can it really 30:32 explain the increasing number of 30:34 children with past life memories now 30:36 coming forward in the West but for those 30:44 around them it offers reassurance 30:47 perhaps in the West the belief in 30:50 reincarnation is a powerful way of 30:52 coming to terms with things we cannot 30:54 control 31:03 death is real 31:05 you can'tyou from eyes it you can't talk 31:08 about it as falling asleep or passing 31:10 away or whatever a person who is dead is 31:13 actually dead we are not on the whole 31:19 used up death it's done in in places 31:22 like hospitals or hospices death and 31:25 endings are something that none of us 31:27 can ever make sense of completely 31:31 reincarnation at one level holds the 31:34 living and the dead together it says 31:35 there is a link between the living and 31:37 the dead we've given up the formal 31:41 Christian belief system which 31:43 historically was used to make some sort 31:46 of sense of death but it is a question 31:48 of how we develop if you like a language 31:51 and a set of symbols that help us cope 31:55 with mysteries and realities like death 31:58 that's the one problem with these drugs 32:01 they leave me very tired 25% of people 32:05 in Britain nominally a Christian country 32:08 now believe in reincarnation although 32:11 mainstream religions reject it religious 32:14 beliefs are becoming a matter of 32:16 personal choice so we pick and choose 32:18 ideas which bring us comfort 32:21 there's solace in the belief that a life 32:24 will be constantly recycled 32:39 there's a case in Britain of a woman 32:42 who's had past life memories since 32:44 childhood and has been accepted by a 32:46 family as the reincarnation of their 32:49 late mother in this they find great 32:51 comfort there would be Roman Catholics 32:54 we do not believe in reincarnation 32:57 that's what we were taught and when 33:00 Jenny said that she was the 33:02 reincarnation of him mother well I I 33:06 felt a bit dubious about it but that's 33:10 very hard to explain to me there's no 33:14 way that Jenny could make that up 33:15 because so she told me something that 33:18 nobody else remembers or nimi sunny 33:25 Sutton grew up in a town called malahide 33:27 in Southern Ireland he's the oldest of 33:29 eight children his mother died when he 33:32 was 13 years old but a few years ago a 33:35 woman called Jenny kokal contacted him 33:38 claiming to be his mother Mary Mary was 33:42 to me who I was who I had been I had 33:49 very personal memories of bringing up 33:53 those children when I was a small child 33:56 she was still a part of me 34:05 Jenny began to tell me about the 34:08 nightmares and why she often woke up 34:10 crying and but that was because she had 34:15 nightmares about being an adult dying I 34:19 just feel awful 34:22 this was beyond my experience this was 34:24 my daughter I could do nothing to help 34:26 her nothing to ease her pain nothing to 34:28 make her feel better except be there 34:30 when she wanted to talk and just wait to 34:32 see what developed Jenny dreamt that she 34:36 died in a hospital room leaving her 34:38 eight children alone and vulnerable 34:41 Sonny's mother Mary had died in a 34:43 hospital in Dublin and after her death 34:46 his seven brothers and sisters were 34:48 split up and sent away to orphanages he 34:51 didn't see them again for many years I 34:55 grew up with his sense of having 34:58 deserted my children I'd let them down 35:02 that um I knew that if I possibly could 35:08 find them I would ever since Jenny first 35:13 talked about her memories of Mary when 35:15 she was four years old she held on to 35:18 them all through her childhood into her 35:20 adulthood until she was able to 35:22 investigate them herself she visited the 35:26 town of malahide which he could draw 35:28 from memory when she was a child and 35:30 found the ruins of the cottage where she 35:32 lived as Mary she relied on local 35:36 records of the area to track down the 35:38 surname of the family and then traced 35:40 each of the children one by one I 35:44 started at the window this day and his 35:46 care pulled up outside and this person 35:49 got out and I said to wavey say this is 35:54 a person can know the car so he's very 35:56 looks very much like me mother 36:00 I say no 36:08 Jenny hurt us soft gentle voice to say 36:11 anymore dad I don't know jacket oh thank 36:15 you oh there's the same as mine is it 36:17 just rather telling me I'm dreams 36:19 memories I know I said to myself my god 36:24 powder how can she know all this I could 36:29 remember standing on a jetty and it was 36:33 dusk and I was waiting for a boat and 36:38 sometimes I've had that as a memory and 36:40 sometimes it would come back as a dream 36:41 but it was one of those ones it left me 36:43 the question who was I waiting for who 36:46 was on the boat and what Oh used to come 36:49 down to meet me and you sit under stone 36:53 steps after the jelly waiting for the 36:55 board to come in he understand to meet 36:58 me he's your mommy we're half an hour so 37:06 we were exchanging our hearts of 37:09 memories I would give him half of an 37:12 incident and he'd finish it off I was so 37:18 happy for her but after all these years 37:21 of agonizing about everything and been 37:23 so concerned about the children and 37:25 unable to do anything I'll find out 37:28 anything to finally find that they were 37:33 all right it all had good lives that 37:36 what had happened to them being sent to 37:37 orphan she hasn't destroyed them as 37:39 people I was just so happy for her 37:44 the way I looked at it was my mom do it 37:47 I said to myself that's my life is gone 37:51 without her what am I going to do 37:53 I love me more than I lost my mother and 37:58 Jenny's coming to me life now she's a 38:02 great substitute for my mother my elder 38:11 son was killed in 1986 and his daughter 38:16 was killed last year but it does make it 38:20 a little bit easier being convinced that 38:23 there's continuation I'm sorry about 38:26 this not easier and half obviously 38:36 Christians say the soul doesn't die and 38:38 it obviously doesn't it goes from person 38:40 to person which is something I couldn't 38:44 have believed myself thinking at one 38:47 time but has now become blazingly 38:51 obvious 39:01 most religious or spiritual beliefs 39:04 bring comfort and meaning to our lives 39:09 just because people want to believe in 39:12 reincarnation doesn't mean it isn't true 39:17 there are thousands of children who 39:19 persistently describe memories of events 39:22 that seem beyond their understanding and 39:25 experience while scientists and 39:29 investigators have observed this 39:30 phenomenon they have yet to explain why 39:33 these children talk about their past 39:35 lives they remain an enigma she suddenly 39:44 turned round and said when I was a baby 39:47 my mum you fell down the stairs with me 39:49 and I went into the fire and I died that 39:52 I came alive again in my mummy I've 39:55 never known another child 39:56 to say things like that and I've been 39:58 teaching for 12 years now 40:03 when she started which is all he can't 40:05 ignore but the more that it goes on I 40:07 mean even her brothers so today united 40:09 arrest over people on about your rather 40:11 than your moment your other she's always 40:13 got this other mommy and daddy 40:15 machete she has book she got a good 40:17 imagination and she's full of it but I 40:19 do think maybe something there don't 40:21 quite know why or how there are people 40:30 out there starving not only Latin 40:32 African cases like that but in where 40:35 you're actually living now 40:36 and when you skip a meal you kind of get 40:39 like this or feeling like sometimes I 40:42 just feel like it's like a really bitey 40:45 theme like something's biting you and 40:48 it's like oh I wish there was something 40:51 dad to eat but there's nothing now so 40:54 you just have to kind of like relax and 40:57 like watch telly