
Event Semester: Fall 2023

Title: Interorganelle Communication in Aging and Disease


Speaker: Ebru Erbay, MD, Ph.D. Principal Investigator Host: Brant Isakson

Event Categories: MPBP seminar

Title: Watching gene regulation with new live imaging tools


Speaker: Thomas Graham, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of California, Berkeley Host: Brant Isakson

Event Categories: MPBP seminar

Title: Exploring the role of inter-organelle bridge-like lipid transport at endosomal membranes


Speaker: Michael G. Hanna, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist Department of Cell Biology & Neuroscience Yale School of Medicine Host: Brant Isakson, Ph.D.

Event Categories: Archive

Title: Mechanisms of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport — structure, function, and tissue-specific regulation


Speaker: Ming-Feng Tsai, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics University of Colorado School of Medicine Host: Brant Isakson, Ph.D.

Event Categories: Archive

Title: Autonomous clocks in cytoplasmic organization and division


Speaker: Mustafa Aydogan, Ph.D. Sandler Faculty Fellow Principal Investigator UCSF Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics Host: Brant Isakson, Ph.D.

Event Categories: Archive

Title: Dissecting the Spatial Regulation of Gene Expression in Mitochondrial Biogenesis


Speaker: Weihan Li, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Singer Lab, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Host: Brant Isakson, Ph.D.

Event Categories: Archive

Title: Electrical and contractile regulation of cerebral blood flow by capillary pericytes


Speaker: Nicholas R. Klug, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine, The University of Vermont Host: Dr. Brant Isakson

Event Categories: Archive