
Doug DeSimone elected as Fellow of the AAAS

Congratulations to Doug DeSimone, Chair of the Department of Cell Biology, who has just been elected a Fellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for his contributions to cell and developmental biology.  Since 1874, the AAAS has conferred this honor on distinguished scientists, including Thomas Edison and Linus Pauling.  AAAS Fellows are nominated by groups of existing Fellows and elected by the AAAS Council based on their contributions to a wide range of STEM disciplines.  Other UVa SoM faculty elected as AAAS Fellows this year include Lukas Tamm, Chair of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics and Wladek Minor, Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics.  Doug joins fellow Cell Biology department faculty members Judy White and Bob Bloodgood, who were previously elected AAAS fellows.