
Public Health Sciences

The Department of Public Health Sciences mission is to provide excellence and leadership in innovative research, education, and community engagement strategies to advance clinical care, patient outcomes, and population health.

We foster research and educational collaborations with clinicians, researchers and faculty members across the University, other professionals, and communities to improve health equity and overall population health and well-being.

How does a researcher find a biostatistician or other research methods collaborator or consultant?

Free service staffed by SOM Public Health Sciences statisticians to address introductory statistics and research methods questions.

PHS Consulting & Collaboration Request Form
Google search:  uva phs consult

• Contact a PHS faculty member or staff directly
• Contact information on PHS website or UVA directory

• Cancer Center – Biostatistics Shared Resource Request Form
• iTHRIV Research Methods Core / BERD – iTHRIV Portal Consult Request

PHS faculty and staff have expertise in:

  • Clinical trial design and analysis; including pre-clinical, phase I, II & III trials, and data coordinating centers
  • Observational study design; including cohort studies, case-control studies, longitudinal studies, chart reviews
  • Mixed-methods research; study design and analysis
  • Statistical analyses; including survival analysis, longitudinal data, causal inference, Markov models, Bayesian models, meta-analyses
  • Predictive modeling; including development, validation and implementation of algorithms
  • Epidemiological and outcomes research; including use of large registry data (e.g. Medicare, UNOS)
  • Data management and sharing; including SAS, REDCap, OnCore, de-identification, creating public use datasets
  • Statistical Software; including SAS, R, Stata, SPSS, GraphPad Prism, MPlus, Matlab
  • DSMBs; both study statistician and independent statistician serving on the DSMB

Featured Stories

Students and Dr. Balkrishnan in South Africa.

Four UVA Students led by Dr. Balkrishnan visit South Africa to experience Universal Healthcare Coverage Proposal in Action

Four UVA students joined Dr. Rajesh Balkrishnan, UVA Professor of Public Health Sciences, on a trip to Cape Town, South Africa to learn first-hand about the challenges being faced by the South African public health system as it navigates implementing universal healthcare coverage. The students spent a few weeks of their summer conducting research, attending seminars, and shadowing patient clinics to better understand this healthcare system inside and out.

Students see Universal Healthcare in South Africa

Group photo of 2024 MPH students presenting posters

Department of Public Health Sciences Master of Public Health Students Present Final Projects

The Department of Public Health Sciences was excited to host the Master of Public Health (MPH) Spring Semester Poster Day last week. Thirty-two graduating MPH students presented their work and recommendations to improve health outcomes and health equity. All MPH students complete an Integrative Learning Experience (ILE), a final project that demonstrates synthesis of MPH knowledge and skills developed over a 42-credit hour curriculum. Students select an ILE topic consulting with an MPH Program Faculty advisor based on their program concentration.

MPH Students Present Final Projects at Spring 2024 Poster Day

Group of Student Researchers in Kuhenza, Kenya

Partnership with Kuhenza for the Children: Assistant Professor Kathryn Quissell, PhD Led Research Team to Kenya

This past November 2023, Public Health Sciences Assistant Professor Kathryn Quissell led a research team of four UVA students (Sona Kalatardi, Momore Del-Davidson, Seth Tersteeg, and Meagan Gillette) to Kilifi County, Kenya, on the east coast of the country. They conducted research with Kuhenza For The Children, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that serves to transform harmful perceptions of disabilities into those that enhance the lives of children with disabilities.

Research Team Partnership with Kuhenza in Kenya

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