
UVA Cell Biology Welcomes Dr. Joshua Wythe

Joshua Wythe






We are very excited to welcome Dr. Joshua Wythe, a new Associate Professor in our Cell Biology Department, who recently relocated from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Josh’s research focuses on gaining a detailed mechanistic understanding of how endothelial cell identity is specified and maintained in the developing vertebrate embryo. His lab combines both zebrafish and mouse genetic models together with bioinformatics, functional genomics, and 3D imaging to investigate blood vessel development and pathogenesis. In addition to defining the transcriptional basis of endothelial organotypic plasticity and function in development, the Wythe lab aims to understand pathological angiogenesis leading to brain arteriovenous malformations and pathological angiogenesis in glioma. Josh is highly collaborative, and his work is cross-disciplinary and intersects with the Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Developmental Genomics Center, the Cardiovascular Research Center and the Neuroscience Department. We look forward to having Josh onboard and working closely with him on exciting new projects.