
EpicCare Access for Monitors

Complete the Access Request form for EpicCare Link

The EpicCare Link for Monitors Access Request Form will need to be completed in full.

  • Do not modify the format of the form, especially the rows that you will add the subject information. It is important that the first subject/patient name is listed on Row 31 of the spreadsheet.
  • When saving the file, please try to use the following naming convention IRB number_EpicCare Link for Monitors Access Request Form_Monitor’s last name.xlsx     EXAMPLE: 12345_EpicCare Link Access Request Form_Elder.xls
  • As new subjects are enrolled into the study,  simply update the same spreadsheet with the new subject information added to the current list. So, the spreadsheet will be cumulative for a study.

Send the Completed Spreadsheet to Robert Banks in the Clinical Trials Office (Epic will not accept it from anyone outside of the SOM CTO)

Once Processed by the Epic Security team:

  • Your monitor will receive an e-mail when their account has been created, providing log-in information as well as a temporary password.
  • The first page they see after they log in will be a “I agree to treat the information responsibly” statement that is generic to all EpicCare Link users.
  • The monitor will be restricted to ‘read only’ access to only the patient records that have been listed on the spreadsheet. Their access will not allow them to see any other records.
  • They will continue to have access to the patient records on the spreadsheet until we formally ask that their access be removed.


Informed consents in EpicCare Link

Note: Monitors do not have a “Consent” tab and can’t view consents via EpicCare Link.

(updated May 2023)