

Congratulations Sylwia!


Congratulations to Sylwia for brilliantly completing her MS based on the data she generated in our lab. Sylwia earned a “5” on her thesis and a “5” on her presentation/defense…

Incredible ‘Hullk’ that Controls Growth and Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer Discovered


Cancer researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have identified a key to controlling the growth and progression of prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in men. The researchers…

SRIP Summer Student from the Gioeli lab won grant to present her research!


Shirin is a Biological Sciences major with minors in Spanish and Psychology, who will graduate in 2020. She is a member of the Honors College, and recently received a UMBC Travel…

Gioeli Lab has created a 3-D cancer tumor model which can replicate the complex nature and behavior of a real tumor


“This model enables us to understand the inner workings of tumors to systematically identify and test new ways to treat cancer,” said researcher Dan Gioeli, PhD, of UVA’s Department of…

Two undergraduate researchers receive Harrison Fellowships for research in the Gioeli lab


Congratulations to Ashe Allende and Rose Sleppy, two undergraduates in the Gioeli lab who received Harrison Fellowships!  Read more >>

Dr. Gioeli and his UVA research laboratory further advance cutting-edge tumor modeling and research


The Gioeli lab continues their work with the HemoShear platform to better understand complex cancer biology. The goal is to one day use these models to develop optimal treatments for…

Kinase discovery could lead to more effective treatments for prostate cancer


"A newly discovered connection between two common prostate cancer treatments may soon make prostate cancer cells easier to destroy. Drugs that could capitalize on the discovery are already in the…

Prostate cancer research may allow for more effective treatment of cancer cells


The Gioeli lab researchers screened for proteins that regulate prostate growth, and they found a protein that controls the response of prostate cancer cells to current treatments.  Read and view more…

CHK2 – AR signaling paper accepted in Cancer Research


Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) negatively regulates androgen sensitivity and prostate cancer cell growth Huy Q Ta, Melissa L Ivey, Henry F Frierson, Jr, Mark R Conaway, Jaroslaw Dziegielewski, James M…

Gioeli publication used for cover art


Gioeli lab latest publication was used for cover art: Cell Cycle Dependent Regulation of Androgen Receptor Function. ERC. April;22(2):249-64. 2015 PMID:25691442.