
Kibbe-Tsihlis Lab

Kibbe-Tsihlis V lab logo

The Kibbe-Tsihlis Lab consists of a multidisciplinary group where scientists and physicians work together to achieve a common goal.

Sharing our expertise and learning from each other in a supportive environment motivates us to find new, creative solutions to current clinical problems in vascular surgery.

From materials science and animal models, to basic cell biology and biochemistry, we ultimately strive to have a significant impact on the health of vascular patients.


research staff and trainees at a hood observing a procedure


The lab’s research interests focus on vascular biology and developing novel therapies for patients with vascular disease.

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Group photo in the lab


Meet the multidisciplinary scientists and physicians working together in the lab.

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An open book with a pair of overturned eyeglasses


Our lab puts a strong emphasis on quality publications. Explore our archive dating back to 1998.

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