
Orientation Checklist for SMD2028

  1. Welcome video
  2. Quick read about WiFi access at UVA. Run the Network Setup Tool to get WiFi and a digital certificate on your devices
  3. Here’s the scoop on passwords – yes, plural!
  4. Make sure you read about and can login to both of your UVA email accounts
  5. Establish your Turning Point account – this is our classroom response system
  6. Our learning management system – . Don’t forget to watch the brief intro video!
  7. Review the information about the Online Testing System
  8. OASIS  – don’t forget to watch the brief video!
  9. Speaking of things you’ll be doing, set up your UVA Zoom account
  10. Don’t get locked out of DUO! “Generate bypass codes” here –
  11. Download an additional web browser beyond the one that comes with your operating system (Chrome, Edge or FireFox)
  12. Citrix Receiver is needed for EPIC training and remote access on your laptop
    • If Mac, follow the “Download Citrix for Mac” instructions – here
    • If Windows, follow the “Download Citrix for Windows” instructions – here
  13. A couple of computing/security policies that you need to be aware of – here
  14. Where to get help with our technology –
  15. Complete the Technology Setup quiz in Online Testing by 12:30 pm on Thursday, August 8th.

Less urgent (complete by Monday, August 12th)

  • Maybe download the Microsoft Office 365 apps for offline use. Get it from your academic/ account.
  • Peruse a very quick how-to for printing in the Health Sciences Library

We will hold drop in office hours during Orientation on Wednesday, Aug 7th from 1pm – 5pm. Come see us in the Learning Studio if you need help or have questions!

or you can send mail to and make an appointment