
Tag: Gelfand

Drs. Ambati & Gelfand Describe How Sex is Impeding Medical Progress


Medical research that could improve patient outcomes and transform treatments is being hindered by a lack of genetic research tools that consider biological sex, two UVA School of Medicine experts…

Drs. Ambati, MD & Gelfand Cytosolic DNAs In Age-Related Disorders


The National Institutes of Health has awarded a $3.14 million grant to Jayakrishna Ambati, MD, and Bradley Gelfand, PhD, to further their research into cytosolic DNAs in aging and age-related…

Bradley Gelfand, PhD Awarded $2.6 Million Grant to Study Sex-Specific Responses to IgG1 Antibodies on Growth of Blood Vessels


Bradley Gelfand, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Ophthalmology, was awarded a $2.6 million grant for a study titled “Mechanistic basis of sexual dimorphism in antigen-independent IgG1 angiogenesis…

Drs. Ambati and Gelfand Receive $3.1M R01 Grant from NIH


The NIH has awarded a $3.1M grant to Jayakrishna Ambati, MD and Bradley Gelfand, PhD to research their exciting discovery that “jumping genes” called SINE elements have increased activity in…

Discovery IDs Potential Way to Halt Blinding Macular Degeneration


Researchers have successfully treated age-related macular degeneration in mice after finding an unexpected link between the two main forms of the blinding eye disease, the leading cause of vision loss…