
Supplemental Payments for Administrative Appointments

Date: November 5, 2020
Policy ID: 1.410
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Director of Faculty Affairs
PO Box 8007937
phone: 434-243-4078

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-924-9030

Applies to:
Individuals within the School of Medicine who received supplemental salary support associated with specific administrative responsibilities or roles.

Policy Statement:
The School of Medicine may elect to appoint certain individuals to various leadership or administrative positions. When an individual is appointed to an administrative position, the School of Medicine may provide a salary supplement as compensation for the additional duties and responsibilities associated with the appointment. This supplement will cease when the administrative appointment ends. This policy applies to all administrative appointments regardless of whether or not it is explicitly stated in the appointment letter. This policy applies to all individuals who currently hold administrative appointments.

Any exceptions to this policy must be supported with written justification from the department chair or the dean, and with written approval by the dean.

Revision history:
Established October 1, 2001; Revised 2/1/06, 5/9/08; administrative updates10/20/14; administrative updates 7/28/20; 11/05/20