


We strive to provide flexibility to students who request modification of the timing of their curriculum for reasons of maternity, paternity, adoption or legal guardianship, based on the following principles:

  1. Each request for modification will be considered on an individual basis. Requests should be made to the college dean in the Office for Student Affairs.
  2. The educational requirements of the year in question must be met before a student can proceed to the next step in the curriculum, or to graduation.
  3. Subject to the requirements of licensing and accreditation bodies, students may be able to meet educational requirements through adjustments in the timing of courses, clerkships, and electives. Adjustments in timing must be made through the Office for Student Affairs with approval of the college dean and the respective course director.
  4. All arrangements will be dependent upon the availability of learning experience(s) which allow all educational objectives to be met.


UME Management Team approves changes to this policy.

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  • Next scheduled review June 2026
  • Reaffirmed June 2023
  • Revised September 2020