
Use of Student Data


The School of Medicine collects information about you beginning with your AMCAS application materials.  Additional data are collected throughout your time as a medical student as a part of our continuous process to review, evaluate and improve the educational program.  At times, administrative leaders in the Office of Medical Education use these data to conduct educational research that will contribute to what is known about teaching and learning.  For the purposes of research, your data are analyzed in aggregate and your name is not associated with the data; nor would your name or your individual data be used in presentations or publications.  Aggregate data of any kind are never released to anyone interested in doing research (faculty or others) without formal approval by the Group on Research in Medical Education, the Senior Associate Dean for Education, and the Institutional Review Board.  The Undergraduate Medical Education Analytics team ensures that no data are shared in any way that would allow a student to be identified.

It is your right to choose not to allow your data to be used for medical education research.  Although your data still will be collected for program evaluation by the School of Medicine, we will confirm with each student at the start of every academic year that they assent to the use of their data for research purposes as well.


The UME Management Team approves changes to this policy.


  • Next scheduled review June 2025
  • Updated April 2022
  • Updated April 2021
  • Reaffirmed July 2020
  • Updated July 2018