
Internal Funding Opportunities

We welcome both clinical and pre-clinical proposals from UVA investigators centered on the use of FUS for potentiating immunotherapies against solid tumors, with a strategic focus on treating melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and both primary and metastatic brain tumors.

Application Process

Review of applications will occur in 2 stages:

  • Stage 1: Brief preliminary applications, consisting of a single Specific Aims page and a preliminary budget on an NIH format page, will be reviewed by an internal steering committee.
  • Stage 2: Investigators with accepted preliminary applications will be invited to submit both a detailed budget and a detailed statement of work with milestones. The second stage will not have a formal deadline, but detailed information should be submitted as soon as possible to expedite an external review process.

Eligibility, Project Duration & Budget Information

  • Clinical trial budgets should be less than $300K in total costs; however, larger budgets will be considered if well-justified. Clinical trials should be designed so that they are completed within approximately 2 years. To be eligible, applicants must hold an M.D. degree or its equivalent and be employed by UVA in a position that permits the submission of grants to external funding sources. Clinical trial applications must conform to the guidelines for immune analysis, treatment reporting, and data sharing provided at the following link.
  • Pre-clinical research project budgets are capped at $100K total costs; however, larger budgets will be considered if well-justified. Projects should be designed to be completed within 1 year. To be eligible, applicants must hold a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree or equivalent degrees and be employed by UVA in a position that permits the submission of grants to external funding sources.

Deadline and Submission Details

Please submit brief preliminary application materials in a single merged PDF document electronically to the UVA FUS Cancer Immunotherapy Center Co-Director (Dr. Richard J. Price; Inquiries about the suitability of specific project ideas for support are welcome and should be directed to Dr. Price.