
Professionalism Objectives

June 27, 2018 by   |   Leave a Comment


  1. Behave in an ethical manner that inspires patient and public trust
    • Respect bodily integrity of patients; protect patient privacy
    • Identify yourself as a learner
    • Maintain confidentiality of patient information
    • Set appropriate boundaries in interpersonal relationships


  1. Exhibit honesty and integrity in all interactions
    • Accurately attribute sources in all written and oral presentations
    • Accurately represent clinical actions and findings
    • Demonstrate proper care and use of institutional property and personal property of others
    • Admit mistakes and errors


  1. Advocate for the needs and well being of patients, learners and others with whom you serve
    • Altruistically champion patient rights in a manner appropriate to your level of training
    • Respect and assist staff, residents and students
    • Identify when patients’ needs supersede your needs
    • Be aware when situations require the help or expertise of others (e.g., reporting abuse, assisting with social services agencies)


  1. Demonstrate caring, compassion, empathy and respect
    • Communicate in a polite tone and manner in all exchanges and encounters
    • Communicate in a manner that is respectful of and sensitive to the patient’s and family’s age, orientation, culture and beliefs
    • Be sensitive to the emotional needs of others


  1. Demonstrate awareness of your own perspectives and biases
    • Identify conscious and unconscious biases that might influence your interactions with patients and others


  1. Assume responsibility and accountability for your education
    • Recognize and take action to correct deficiencies in your behavior, knowledge and skill
    • Request specific external feedback – measure that feedback against your own self-assessment
    • Reflect on and take action to improve in response to feedback
    • Seek to achieve deeper learning – learning from every patient you take care of and learning beyond clerkship learning objectives


  1. Function effectively as a team member
    • Fulfill assigned roles and request assistance and/or education when needed
    • Demonstrate respect for knowledge, skills and expertise of other team members
    • Contribute equally to the work of the team
    • Self-regulate your behavior to positively impact the team environment


  1. Fulfill your responsibilities as a learner and a colleague
    • Complete all written, oral and assessment requirements in a timely manner
    • Be attentive and participatory during learning activities
    • Collaborate with classmates in active learning sessions – share your knowledge and skills with those around you
    • Complete administrative requirements in a timely manner (e.g., scheduling, evaluations)
    • Be punctual to all activities


  1. Recognize and avoid conflicts of interest
    • Comply with conflict of interest policies


  1. Attend to balance in commitments to self and others
    • Recognize signs of impairment in yourself and others and take appropriate action
    • Work to develop personal habits the promote social, physical and mental health and well-being


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