

Fellowship Recruitment Update

UVA Allery fellows

Our interview season for this year will run from late August through mid-October, with interviews taking place on Fridays. We will begin reviewing all received applications, with ERAS opening in early July. Offers for interviews will follow within two weeks. In keeping with recommendations from our local GME and national Societies, we will conduct virtual interviews again this season.

Please feel free to contact our Program Director, Associate Program Director, or Program Coordinator with any questions. We wish you all success in the upcoming Match!!

At right: Monica Lawrence MD (former Program Director), Marc Breidenbaugh MD, Samantha Nguyen DO, Charlene Dunaway-Altamirano, MD PhD, Thomas Offerle MD, Samantha Minnicozzi MD (Program Director)

Welcome to the fellowship section of the UVA Division of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology website! 

The Allergy and Immunology Clinical Fellowship Program, certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology (ABAI), offers a two-year combined medicine and pediatric fellowship, with an optional third research year. The fellowship program’s clinical and research faculty work directly with fellows on a rotating basis, giving them exposure to a variety of attending management styles and patient disorders. Fellows also have opportunities to work with ongoing research programs within the division.

All applicants should be board-certified or eligible in internal medicine or pediatrics. We participate in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). Three letters of recommendation and a personal statement should be submitted through ERAS.

Please browse our site and feel free to contact our fellowship coordinator, Monte Parsons, for more information.

Samantha C. Minnicozzi, MD
Assistant Professor of  Pediatrics
Fellowship Program Director

Monica Lawrence, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
Associate Program Director

Timothy Kyin, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Associate Program Director

Michael Nelson, MD PhD
Andrew D. Hart Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Asthma, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology

“The Allergy and Immunology program at UVA was highly recommended by alumni — one of whom was my faculty mentor in residency. I was attracted by the opportunities for mentorship, the beautiful location, and the division’s commitment to research.”
Former fellow
Julia Cronin