
Author: School of Medicine Webmaster

Can insomnia be cured by online therapy? (The Guardian)


Can’t get to sleep? Try online therapy. While a glowing screen is a counter-intuitive cure for insomnia, there is evidence that online cognitive behavourial therapy (CBT) can restore normal sleep…

Online Insomnia Program Can Improve Sleep UVA Study Finds (NBC 29)


If you battle insomnia, an online program from the University of Virginia could lend a hand. Researchers there created what's called the "sleep healthy using the internet program", or SHUTI.…

Online Sleep Therapy Can Help Insomnia, a New Study Found (The Cut)


Many of us turn to our smartphones or laptops when we’re hit with bouts of insomnia, falling deep into Wikipedia rabbit holes and checking social media until the wee hours…

UVA researcher helps create online insomnia treatment (CBS 19 News)


A University of Virginia researcher has helped create an online program that a new study shows helps insomnia sufferers kiss sleepless nights goodbye without sleeping pills. The program is aptly…

Web-Based Help for Insomnia Shows Promise (US News: Health Day)


People find help for all sorts of maladies online. Now, insomnia might be one of them. A web-based interactive program may help chronically sleepless individuals get needed shuteye without taking…

Insomniacs Are Helped by Online Therapy, Study Finds (The New York Times)


The same digital screens that have helped nurture a generation of insomniacs can also help restore regular sleep, researchers reported on Wednesday. In a new study, more than half of…

Bethany Teachman


On November 18, 2016, Bethany Teachman, a professor here at UVA, visited CBHT.

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help You Sleep (The Dr. Oz Show)


Dr. Oz show viewers log their success with different cognitive behavioral therapy apps to see if they’re really worth trying. GUESTS: Arianna Huffington, Dr. Michael Breus, Tia Brown, Drew Ackerman

Online CBT-I Program May Reduce Depression, Anxiety Symptoms (American Psychiatric Association)


Adults who participated in an online cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia program for nine weeks experienced greater reductions in depression and anxiety symptoms than those who did not six months later.…

Burkhart Funk


On August 23, 2016, Burkhart Funk visited CBHT from the University of Luneburg in Germany to speak about predictive modeling in e-mental health.