
Kelly Drews and Camille Lewis

Kelly Drews and Camille LewisKelly Drews (Kester lab) and Camille Lewis (Vande Pol lab) were awarded fellowships to attend the “Workshop on Biophysical Methods to Study Bimolecular Interactions” at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The workshop took place in October 2017 for two weeks and attendees came from 40 different countries.The workshop focused on using physics to study the interactions of molecules. Kelly and Camille learned a lot about new tools and techniques that could be used in biomedical research. They also presented posters and Camille won a “best poster” award. Camille has been studying the interaction of 2 proteins and wanted to learn more about cryo-EM. Kelly has been studying the interactions between lipids and was especially interested in EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance).This experience provided valuable exposure to a number of scientific techniques and allowed interactions between researchers across the world. There’s no telling what questions will arise with their current project or future projects and they are still communicating with other workshop participants.