
BIMS Courses

Dzamba lecture block 6 core course
Ph.D. training begins with an immersive 12-week immersive core course, followed by specialized 6-week electives (“BIMS modules”). The electives are selected in consultation with the mentor and PhD program director based on the student’s research interests. All BIMS students are also required to take a Research Ethics course in their first year.

BIMS 6000: Core Course in Integrative Biosciences

All first year students enroll in a 12-week immersive “core course” designed to equip trainees with the fundamental concepts and skill sets needed to think as scientists. This course is the first step in preparing our students for careers in biomedical research that increasingly require the application of interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches to attack biomedical problems. View Here.

BIMS Modules

BIMS students have the flexibility to choose from over 40, six-weeks, modular courses focused on a wide array of topics in biomedical sciences. Learn more here.

Research Ethics

A requirement for all our programs, here’s how to develop your sense of ethics. This course is offered each spring and a detailed syllabus can be found here.