
Research Ethics Course

BIMS 7100 / PHS 7840
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Spring 2025, Feb. 11 – April 29

All sessions meet on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 PM. The 2/11 and 4/29 sessions are in-person in the Medical Education Building Learning Studio and the other sessions are on Zoom.

Course Overview

This course covers topics in Research Ethics/Responsible Conduct of Research and fulfills the requirements of the NIH RCR Mandate. The course is case-based and practical. The goal is to have course participants grapple with complex RCR issues, especially through cases, and to take away important points from each session as well as where to turn for more information.

The course strives to take a learner-centered approach. Sessions will begin with an overview of the topic at hand. Participants will then go into breakouts for small group discussion of relevant case studies/questions. The whole group will reconvene at the end of the period to share and discuss interesting points that arose in individual small groups. Faculty participate in the course as presenters and to share their perspectives in discussion.

2025 Course Syllabus


Course Leader

Jean Eby, MS, MEd, ScD
Director of Human Subjects Research Education,
Office of the Vice-President for Research
Assistant Professor,
Department of Public Health Sciences