
Category: News and Highlights

Dr. Barry Hinton to receives 2016 “Distinguished Andrologist Award” at the annual meeting of the American Society of Andrology


Congratulations to Dr. Barry Hinton, recipient of the 2016 “Distinguished Andrologist Award” by the American Society of Andrology. This is the highest award given annually by the Society to an…

Graduate Student Jacob Jaszczak receives the Cell and Molecular Biology Outstanding Graduate Student Award


This year's recipient of the Cell and Molecular Biology Outstanding Graduate Student Award is Jacob Jaszczak (Ph.D. 2015) Jacob completed his graduate thesis in the Halme lab investigating pathways though…

Graduate Student Emily Billings recipient of the Jill Hungerford Award


We are pleased to announce that Emily Billings (graduate student in the Casanova lab) is the recipient of this year's Jill Hungerford Award. This award is provided through a generous…

Dr. Ann Sutherland awarded new grant to study mechanisms driving fundamental cell movement involved in early mammalian development.


Congratulations to Dr. Ann Sutherland for the recent award of an RO1 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development entitled “Vangl2 Function in Mammalian Convergent Extension.” Ann’s…

Tears of Joy: UVA Start-up Seeks to Bring New Eye Therapy to Millions


Despite spending billions of dollars annually on prescription and over-the-counter eye care products, millions of Americans suffer from chronic dry eye with few or no options for lasting relief. TearSolutions,…