
Archives: Recent Publications

Connexin 37 sequestering of activated-ERK in the cytoplasm promotes p27-mediated endothelial cell cycle arrest


Connexin37-mediated regulation of cell cycle modulators and, consequently, growth arrest lack mechanistic understanding. We previously showed that arterial shear stress up-regulates Cx37 in endothelial cells and activates a Notch/Cx37/p27 signaling…

Rational engineering of lung alveolar epithelium


Engineered whole lungs may one day expand therapeutic options for patients with end-stage lung disease. However, the feasibility of ex vivo lung regeneration remains limited by the inability to recapitulate…

Mechanisms of skin vascular maturation and maintenance captured by longitudinal imaging of live mice


A functional network of blood vessels is essential for organ growth and homeostasis, yet how the vasculature matures and maintains homeostasis remains elusive in live mice. By longitudinally tracking the…

MicroRNA-223 limits murine hemogenic endothelial cell specification and myelopoiesis


Embryonic definitive hematopoiesis generates hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) that are essential for the establishment and maintenance of the adult blood system. This process requires the specification of a…

Transformation of alignment files improves performance of variant callers for long-read RNA sequencing data


Long-read RNA sequencing (lrRNA-seq) produces detailed information about full-length transcripts, including novel and sample-specific isoforms. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to call variants directly from lrRNA-seq data. However, most state-of-the-art…

Pyramidal neuron morphogenesis requires a septin network that stabilizes filopodia and suppresses lamellipodia during neurite initiation


Pyramidal neurons are a major cell type of the forebrain, consisting of a pyramidally shaped soma with axonal and apicobasal dendritic processes. It is poorly understood how the neuronal soma…

Proteomic profiling of the oncogenic septin 9 reveals isoform-specific interactions in breast cancer cells


Septins are a family of multimeric GTP-binding proteins, which are abnormally expressed in cancer. Septin 9 (SEPT9) is an essential and ubiquitously expressed septin with multiple isoforms, which have differential…

A septin GTPase scaffold of dynein-dynactin motors triggers retrograde lysosome transport


The metabolic and signaling functions of lysosomes depend on their intracellular positioning and trafficking, but the underlying mechanisms are little understood. Here, we have discovered a novel septin GTPase-based mechanism…

Septins guide noncentrosomal microtubules to promote focal adhesion disassembly in migrating cells


Endothelial cell migration is critical for vascular angiogenesis and is compromised to facilitate tumor metastasis. The migratory process requires the coordinated assembly and disassembly of focal adhesions (FA), actin, and…

Septins mediate a microtubule-actin crosstalk that enables actin growth on microtubules


Cellular morphogenesis and processes such as cell division and migration require the coordination of the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons. Microtubule-actin crosstalk is poorly understood and largely regarded as the capture…