
Advanced Microscopy Facility resource description

The Advanced Microscopy Facility, established in 1979, is a core service and user facility which provides investigators at the University of Virginia access to electron and confocal microscopes, preparatory equipment, and technical assistance.  Specific objectives include: (1) making state-of-the-art electron and confocal microscopes and related equipment available for research applications; (2) providing complete electron microscopy specimen preparation services; (3) providing training in the operation of electron and confocal microscopes; (4) furnishing technical assistance and consultation for routine and specialized microscopy applications; and (5) monitoring developments in the general field of microscopy and providing access to emerging technologies and related equipment.

Advanced Microscopy Facility Services/Activities

  • Access to confocal microscopes and multi-photon microscopes (4)
  • Access to scanning (1) and transmission (2) electron microscopes
  • Training in the use of all microscopes
  • Sample preparation for SEM and TEM
  • Consultation on SEM, TEM, and Confocal microscopy projects
  • Confocal microscopy applications: FRAP, FRET, Live Cell Imaging, Time Lapse, Intravital Imaging
  • Special electron microscopy applications: immunocytochemistry, autoradiography, negative staining, low-angle shadowing/imaging
  • Hosting special seminars, symposia, and open-house events
  • Outreach to local schools: field trips to the facility for  K-12 science classes/clubs, mentoring high school science students

Advanced Microscopy Facility Equipment

  • ZEISS LSM 710 4-Channel Multi-Photon Confocal, upright
  • ZEISS LSM 880 32-Channel Confocal, inverted
  • ZEISS LSM 510 4-Channel Confocal, inverted, two microscopes
  • ZEISS LSM 510 META, 3-Channel, inverted
  • JEOL 1230 TEM (digital and film image capture)
  • Zeiss Sigma VP SEM (digital image capture)
  • JEOL 100CX II TEM (digital and film capture)
  • OLYMPUS BX51 – upright compound microscope/digital camera: brightfield, fluorescence, phase, DIC
  • OLYMPUS SZX12 – dual objective stereomicroscope/digital camera: brightfield, darkfield, fluorescence
  • PREPARATION EQUIPMENT: Ultramicrotomes, Critical Point Dryer, Sputter Coater, High Resolution Metal Coater