
Molecular Imaging Core resources

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

1) ClinScan (Bruker/Siemens) 7 Tesla small animal MRI with broadband capabilities running software version VB17. The 7T ClinScan (Bruker/Siemens) state of the art small animal MR scanner was purchased using $2M from the NIH-NCRR (S10 RR019911, SS Berr PI) in April 2007. The ClinScan has a Siemens Avanto console, and Bruker gradients (600 mT.m-1 maximum strength, 6000 T.m-1.s-1 riserate). The system has 8 receiver channels for phased array imaging. Software ports directly between the human and ClinScan Siemens MRIs.

Radiotracer and X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging

  • Trimodal (PET/SPECT/CT) Bruker Albira Si rodent scanner. This scanner was purchased with NIH funds (SS Berr PI) in June 2017. PET is a 3-ring system with 150 mm axial FOV, 80 mm transaxial FOV, 12% sensitivity, 17% energy resolution, and a mouse NECR of 560 kcps at 35 MBq. The CT has X-ray energies of 10-50 kVp, 70 mm x 70 mm FOV, and 90 mm resolution. The SPECT is a dual head system with 1,800 cps/MBq sensitivity, 30-400 keV energy range, 25-120 mm variable FOV, and 0.5 mm spatial resolution,

Bioluminescence / Fluorescence Imaging

1) IVIS Spectrum (Caliper Lifesciences, Alameda, CA) is optimized for in vivo luminescence and fluorescence imaging. It includes an optimized set of high efficiency filters and spectral un-mixing algorithms for imaging from blue to near infrared. It also offers single-view 3D tomography for both fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters that can be analyzed in an anatomical context using the Caliper Digital Mouse Atlas. The Spectrum has the capability for either trans-illumination (from the bottom) or epi-illumination (from the top) to illuminate in vivo fluorescent sources. 3D diffuse fluorescence tomography can be performed to determine source localization and concentration using the combination of structured light and trans illumination fluorescent images. The instrument is equipped with 10 narrow band excitation filters (30nm bandwidth) and 18 narrow band emission filters (20nm bandwidth) that assist in significantly reducing autofluorescence by the spectral scanning of filters and the use of spectral unmixing algorithms. In addition, the spectral unmixing tools allow the researcher to separate signals from multiple fluorescent reporters within the same animal.

Physiological Monitoring. Animals’ heart rate and breathing will be monitored using SA Instruments (Stony Brook, NY) model 1025 for MRI and a model 1025L for PET and SPECT hardware/software systems for monitoring and gating system.

Cyclotron.  Siemens Eclipse™ HP 11 MeV Cyclotron that can produce curies amounts of 18F, 11C, 13N and 15O using a 4-position automated target carousel. We also have solid targets for the production of isotopes such as 64Cu.

Chemistry Modules. We have radiochemistry lab adjacent to the cyclotron with underground conduits for the delivery of radioisotopes to the lab. There are six Von Gahlen minicells that are populated with the following: (1) Eckert & Ziegler (E&Z) Modular Lab [11C] for the production of methyl iodide or methyl triflate; (2) E&Z Modular-Lab PharmTracer system for the production of a variety of radiolabeled biomarkers using 11C methyl iodide/triflate or 18F; (3) Siemens Explora GN for general Nucleophilic 18F reactions; (4) Siemens Explora CN which can be used for making 11C-HCN; (5) Siemens Explora LC for preparative liquid chromatography for purification of products, and; (6) a dose calibrator for measurement of radioactivity of starting material and final products.

Hot Cell. (1) Comecer MIP 1390 Laminar Flow Hot Cell with two manipulator arms – Central Research Laboratories, G-LDC-035-005.

(2) Von Gahlen Double Chemical Enclosure mini hot cells (3 DCEs = 6 cells). (3) Eckert & Ziegler Modular Lab PharmTracer Dose Dispenser.

Quality Control Equipment. (1) HPLC, Shimadzu Prominence LC-20AD isocratic system with autosampler, degasser, radiation, UV-Vis, and refractive index detectors. (2) Radiation detector for HPLC – Bioscan Flow-Count. (3)  Gas chromatograph PerkinElmer Clarus 680 with FID detector. (4) Thin Layer Chromatography, Eckert & Ziegler AR-2000 Radio-TLC & Imaging Scanner.

Human PET/CT Scanner. We have a Siemens Biograph 40 TruePoint PET/CT with LSO crystals, 2mm slice spacing and 4.2mm transaxial resolution.

Human MRI. Research MRIs: 3T Siemens Trio and 1.5T Avanto MRI scanner.