
End of Year Ceremonies

For 2021, all UVA graduation ceremonies that are not held in Scott Stadium are prohibited. Moreover, diploma ceremonies and receptions in all schools and departments around the University have been banned this spring. Finally current limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings in place by the University (policy SEC 045)and the Governor also prohibit most of the activities that have been planned. However, we recognize that completing a residency or fellowship is an important milestone in the life of our trainees and we will consider exceptions to University guidelines.

Please note that the following will be allowed with the provision that strict safety measures, including masking, handwashing, and social distancing are in place:
1. Outdoor ceremonies are preferred, but either indoor or outdoor will be considered.
2. Food and beverages are allowed.
3. Departmental funds may be used to cover the costs of the social gatherings.

Complete the attestation below for an exception. The approval will be emailed to the Program Director by the EVPs office.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY