
Drug Screening FAQ

We partner with Quest Diagnostics Test Centers to allow you to complete your drug screening where you currently are. You will receive an email from Quest ( with a personalized drug screen authorization form. To schedule your appointment, use the Quest website to look up your nearest local participating collection site and schedule an appointment (see step-by-step instructions below). Be sure to bring your authorization form to the appointment.

NOTE:  You cannot complete the drug screen prior to 60 days before your contract start date. You will need to allow 2-3 weeks for results to be returned, and you cannot begin work until your results have been cleared.

  • If you are CURRENTLY LIVING OVERSEAS, your drug screen must be done in person at UVA Employee Health.
  • If you are CURRENTLY LIVING IN CHARLOTTESVILLE, please complete your drug screening in-person at UVA Employee Health.
  • If you cannot find a Quest collection facility near you, your drug screening can also be done at UVA’s Employee Health once you arrive, or if you are visiting Charlottesville within your 60 day window.
    • To schedule with Employee Health at UVA call 434-924-2013 and schedule your appointment for as soon as you arrive in Charlottesville. Delays to your drug screening may delay your program start date.

How to Schedule an Appointment with Quest: