
SOMOGC’s Deadline Policy Reminder – May 2020

June 1, 2020 by

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the June 5th NIH deadline, we wanted to remind everyone that the SOM deadline policy is still in full effect for all applications unless an exception is granted by our office.  As we all adjusted to working remotely and the rapid turnarounds needed for some COVID-related applications, compliance with and enforcement of the policy has been somewhat relaxed.  This has led to quite a number of late applications being submitted to our office over the last couple of months.  We cannot disadvantage proposals received on time for proposals and transactions submitted to us late.  Please remember:

  • Documents should be submitted in FINAL form, ready for submission.
    • Please do not expect that we will “check in” with you to ensure that a proposal is ready for submission unless there is a justifiable reason for submitting incomplete or draft documents for review.
    • Any swaps made after submission to our office should be made in good faith to correct errors noted and not because drafts were submitted solely for compliance with the policy.
  • If you require submission prior to a sponsor’s stated deadline, we are happy to accommodate that if submission to our office is similarly adjusted.
    • Please advise us of the preferred submission date in the ePRF and/or in the email to SOMOGC.
    • Requests for early submission will not be honored within less than five days of the requested submission date and/or if the date is not communicated to us in advance.
  • Requests for exception to the deadline policy should be submitted to Steve Lichtenstein or myself.
    • Any exception made will be given an alternative deadline.  Failure to meet this deadline may result in the application not being submitted or being submitted without review.
    • Repeat offenses will be raised to the Research Deans and Department Chairs.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you,



Lauren B. Armstrong, CRA  |  Assistant Director, Office of Grants and Contracts

Authorized Institutional Official  |  University of Virginia School of Medicine

West Complex, Davis Wing, Room 5293  |  434.982.1852   |