
SOM RAM/CoRA Joint Meeting – April 2021

April 15, 2021 by

IRB Q&A with Medard Ng

Please see the recorded discussion here:
[Passcode: ^ZGW5DjU]

The chat transcript is also below, including helpful links:

12:04:11 From Renice Gray to Everyone : Could we have an overview of the IRB process at UVA
12:05:10 From Lauren Armstrong to Everyone : we’re going to be recording this meeting, too, at the request of some folks who couldn’t make it today.
12:13:51 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : Here is an overview of IRB process Medard is describing:
12:14:20 From Renice Gray to Everyone : This is helpful, thank you!
12:15:02 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : And here is the IRB chart of submission types:
12:28:58 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : This is a tricky thing to track since funding for projects changes over time. Also, there can be one-to-many relationship in both directions IRB# <-> Grant#
12:29:54 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : I know that I had to do my own tracking around IRB/Funding association when I managed Neurosurgery research portfolio
12:51:22 From Rita Lam to Everyone : I have to jump on an interview. Have a good day everyone. -Rita
12:52:34 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : Lauren if the investigator is wants 1I to justify their study is non-human subject research, this falls apart if owner of the repository is also involved in the research:
12:59:00 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone :
12:59:31 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone :
12:59:34 From annie to Everyone : This was wonderful! Thank you so much!
12:59:38 From Johanna Loomba to Everyone : That page has link to the determination form