

Pubmed list for Manoj K. Patel.

Selected Publications:


  • Miralles RM, Boscia AR, Kittur S, Vundela SR, Wengert ER, and Patel MK. Parvalbumin Interneuron Impairment Leads to Synaptic Transmission Deficits and Seizures in SCN8A Epileptic Encephalopathy. Biorxiv March 2024.


  • Wenker IC, Boscia AR, Lewis C, Tariq A, Miralles RM, Hanflink JC, Saraf P, and Patel MK. Forebrain epileptiform activity is not required for seizure-induced apnea in a mouse model of Scn8a epilepsy. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 16: 1002013: 2022. PMCID: PMC9490431
  • Thompson JA, Miralles RM, Wengert ER, Wagley PK, Yu W, Wenker IC, and Patel MK. Astrocyte reactivity in a mouse model of SCN8A epileptic encephalopathy. Epilepsia Open 7(2): 280-292: 2022. PMID: 34826216


  • Wengert ET, Miralles RM, Wedgwood KC, Wagley PK, Strohm SM, Panchal PS, Idrissi AM, Wenker IC, Thompson JA, Gaykema RP, and Patel MK. Somatostatin-Positive Interneurons Contribute to Seizures in SCN8A Epileptic Encephalopathy. Journal of Neuroscience 41 (44): 9257-9273: 2021. PMID: 34544834
  • Wenker IC, Teran F, Wengert ER, Wagley PK, Panchal PS, Blizzard E, Saraf P, Wagnon J, Goodkin HP, Meisler MH, Richerson G and Patel MK. Postictal death is associated with tonic phase apnea in a mouse model of SUDEP. Annals of Neurology 89(5):1023-1035: 2021. PMID: 33604927.
  • Wengert ER, Wenker IC, Wagner E, Wagley PK, Gaykema RP, Shin JB and Patel MK. Adrenergic mechanisms of seizure-induced sudden death in a mouse model of SCN8A encephalopathy. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15: 581048: 2021. PMID: 33762902


  • Wengert ER, Tronhjem CE, Wagnon JL, Johannesen KM, Petit H, Krey I, Saga AU, Panchal PS, Strohm SM, Lange J, Kamphausen SB, Rubboli G, Lemke JR, Gardella E, Patel MK, Meisler MH, Møller RS. Biallelic inherited SCN8A variants, a rare cause of SCN8A-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Epilepsia. 60:2277-2285. 2019. PMID: 31625145 Co-senior author with MHM & RSM.
  • Wengert ER, Saga AU, Panchal PS, Barker BS, Patel MK. Prax330 reduces persistent and resurgent sodium channel currents and neuronal hyperexcitability of subiculum neurons in a mouse model of SCN8A epileptic encephalopathy. Neuropharmacology. 158. 2019. PMID: 31278928


  • Cottrell GS, Soubrane CH, Hounshell JA, Lin H, Owenson V, Rigby M, Cox PJ, Barker BS, Ottolini M, Ince S, Bauer CC, Perez-Reyes E, Patel MK, Stevens EB, Stephens GJ. CACHD1 is an α2δ-like protein that modulates CaV3 voltage-gated calcium channel activity. J Neurosci. Sep 4. 3572-15. 2018. PMID: 30181139.


  • Gaykema RP, Newmyer BA, Ottolini M, Raje V, Warthen DM, Lambeth PS, Niccum M, Yao T, Huang Y, Schulman IG, Harris TE, Patel MK, Williams KW, Scott MM. Activation of murine pre-proglucagon-producing neurons reduces food intake and body weight. J Clin Invest. (3):1031-1045. 2017. PMID: 28218622.
  • Ottolini M, Barker BS, Gaykema RP, Meisler MH, Patel MK. Aberrant sodium channel currents and hyperexcitability of medial entorhinal cortex neurons in a mouse model of SCN8A encephalopathy. J Neurosci. 37: 7643-7655. 2017. PMID: 28676574.


  • Barker BS, Ottolini M, Wagnon J, Meisler MH and Patel MK. The SCN8A encephalopathy mutation p.Ile1327Val displays elevated sensitivity to the anticonvulsant phenytoin. Epilepsia. (9):1458-66. 2016. PMID: 27375106.
  • Wheeler MA, Smith CJ, Ottolini M, Barker BS, Purohit AM, Grippo RM, Gaykema RP, Spano AJ, Beenhakker MP, Kucenas S, Patel MK, Deppmann CD, Güler AD. Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system. Nature Neuroscience. 19(5):756-61: 2016. PMID: 26950006.
  • Warthen DM, Lambeth PS, Ottolini M, Shi Y, Barker BS, Gaykema RP, Newmyer BA, Joy-Gaba J, Ohmura Y, Perez-Reyes E, Güler AD, Patel MK and Scott MM. Activation of Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex Enhances Food-Seeking Behavior While Reducing Impulsivity in the Absence of an Effect on Food Intake. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 10. 63: 2016. PMID: 27065827.
  • Alexandrou A, Brown A, Chapman M, Estacion M, Turner J, Mis M, Wilbrey A, Payne L, Gutteridge A, Cox P, Doyle R, Printzenhoff D, Lin Z, Marron B, West C, Swain N, Storer I, Stupple P, Castle N, Hounshell J, Rivara M, Randall A, Dib-Hajj S, Krafte D, Waxman S, Patel MK, Butt R, Stevens EB. Subtype-selective small molecule inhibitors reveal a fundamental role for Nav1.7 in nociceptor electrogenesis, axonal conduction and presynaptic release. PLOS ONE, 11 (4): 2016. PMID: 27050761.


  • L. Wagnon, B.S. Barker, J.A Hounshell, C. Haaxma, A. Shealy, T. Moss, S. Parikh, R.D. Messer, M.K. Patel and M.H. Meisler.  Pathogenic mechanism of recurrent epileptogenic mutations of sodium channel SCN8A. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 3(2):114-23: 2015. PMID: 26900580.


  • Hargus NJ, Jennings C, Perez-Reyes E, Bertram EH, Patel MK. Enhanced actions of adenosine in medial entorhinal cortex layer II stellate neurons in temporal lobe epilepsy are mediated via A1 receptor activation. Epilepsia 53(1):168-76. 2012. PMID: 22126400.


  • Hargus NJ, Bertram EH, Patel MK. Adenosine A1 receptors presynaptically modulate excitatory synaptic input onto subiculum neurons. Brain Res. 1280:60-8. 2009. PMID: 19450566.
  • Jones PJ, Merrick EC, Batts TW, Hargus NJ, Wang Y, Stables JP, Bertram EH, Brown ML, Patel MK. Modulation of sodium channel inactivation gating by a novel lactam: implications for seizure suppression in chronic limbic epilepsy. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics; 328(1):201-12. 2009. PMID: 18952887.


  • Jones PJ, Wang Y, Smith M, Hargus NJ, Eidam HS, White SH, Kapur J, Brown ML, Patel MK. Hydroxyamide analogues of propofol exhibit state-dependent block of sodium channels in hippocampal neurons: implications for anticonvulsant activity. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 320: 828-836. 2007. PMID: 17090703
  • Lenkowski PW, Batts TW, Smith M, Ko S-H, Jones PJ, Taylor CH, McCusker AK, Davis GC, Hartmann HA, White HS, Brown ML, Patel MK. A pharmacophore derived phenytoin analogue with increased affinity for slow inactivated sodium channels exhibits a desired anticonvulsant profile. Neuropharmacology, 52; 1044-1054. 2007. PMID: 17174360