
MFM Fellowship Curriculum

September 4, 2020 by School of Medicine Webmaster   |   Leave a Comment

Rotation Totals:

MFM Rotations

MFM Clinic3 months
Fetal Care Center3 months
OB Anesthesia2 weeks
Antepartum Service4 months
L&D2 months
Genetics2 months
MICU1 month
NICU2 weeks
Research12 months
Peds Cards1 month
Elective6 months
Fetal Echo 1 month
Total 36 months (3 years)

General Schedule:

  • Year 1: Clinical Rotations
  • Year 2: Research
  • Year 3:  Clinical Rotations/Electives
  • Call: MFM back up 1-2 nights/week, One Saturday/Sunday 12-hour Call per month

Rotation Descriptions:

Labor and Delivery: Supervisor

First and third-year fellow rotations are in monthly blocks where they train in the outpatient and inpatient settings, typically alternating monthly or biweekly. The Labor & Delivery and Antepartum blocks are for fellows to learn the management of complex maternal-fetal medicine patients in the inpatient settings, including diagnosis, evaluation, pre-operative assessment, operative cases, post-operative management, management of complications, management of complex medical problems during pregnancy, and administration of supportive care. While on the L&D rotation, the fellow will act as the primary attending on the unit, under the supervision of an MFM attending.   

Outpatient MFM Clinics

First and third-year fellows spend time in the maternal-fetal medicine clinic with the goal of becoming proficient in the outpatient management of high-risk pregnant women, including women with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac disease, as well as other high risk medical, obstetric, and fetal conditions and diseases. The fellow will learn to make treatment decisions by establishing a sound base of medical knowledge of high-risk pregnancy conditions using an evidence-based approach.

Fetal Care Center (4 Sonographers): Ultrasound and fetal diagnostic and therapeutic procedures

The goal of the time in the FCC is for MFM fellows to become proficient in obstetric ultrasound, including invasive procedures for prenatal diagnosis.  Fellows will become competent in the full spectrum of MFM ultrasound, including growth scans, anatomic surveys, biophysical profiles, and Doppler velocimetry.

Genetics: 2 Genetic Counselors (2 months)

The goal of the perinatal genetics rotations is to provide fellows with the skills they will need to provide appropriate diagnostic testing and management for a wide variety of genetic disorders including karyotype abnormalities, inborn errors of metabolism, and congenital anomalies. he fellow will also be prepared to describe prenatal screening tests, the indications for invasive diagnostic procedures used in perinatal genetics, and to assist women in the interpretation of results.

MICU (1 month)

Caring for patients in the medical intensive care unit (MICU) will be a key part of maternal-fetal medicine physicians working life. During the MICU rotation, the fellow will develop diagnostic, therapeutic, and procedural skills necessary for understanding the role of the MFM physician for pregnant women in the intensive care unit setting.  The fellow will develop skills needed to participate effectively in the health team, which includes representatives of nursing, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, and nutrition. 

OB Anesthesia (2 weeks)

The goal of the Obstetric Anesthesia rotation is for the fellow to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate and manage the anesthetic needs for peripartum patients. Fellows will learn pre-anesthetic assessment and planning, intrapartum management, anticipation of and rational responses to complications, and post-anesthetic care appropriate to a parturient in tertiary care or community hospital.

NICU (2 weeks)

The goal of the neonatology rotation is for the fellow to become familiar with the basic medical management of any neonate. The fellow will participate in daily patient care and participate in the case of management for routine and complex high-risk neonatal care. The fellow will learn normal and abnormal newborn physiology, neonatal adaptation from in utero to ex-utero, Immediate care of the newborn in the delivery room, and clinical evaluation of the neonate.

Peds Cardiology (1 month)



The goal of the antepartum rotation is for fellows to learn the management of complex maternal-fetal medicine patients in the inpatient setting and encompasses diagnosis, workup, pre-operative assessment, operative cases, post-operative management, management of complications, management of complex medical problems during pregnancy, and administration of supportive care.    


Fellows must complete and defend a research thesis prior to graduation. Research time is provided in the first year to explore research interests and develop a research question. With guidance from the lead investigators, fellows are expected to design and execute a research protocol. The second year of the fellowship is dedicated to completing this objective. In addition to the thesis requirements, fellows are also encouraged to participate in other research endeavors and to disseminate their research findings at national meetings. The senior fellow will present his or her thesis publically to the entire department prior to graduation.  

Research Requirements and Opportunities

Call Description 


  • MFM back up 1-2 nights/week, 
  • One-weekend in-house call per month (8a to 8p on Saturday and Sunday)

Didactic Training information

  • *Wednesday mornings
    • Grand Rounds
    • M&M
    • Institutional GME Lectures
  • *Weekly MFM Journal Club
  • *Weekly MFM Fellow Didactic Sessions
  • *Monthly Multidisciplinary Fetal Diagnosis Conference
  • *Weekly Genetics Conference
  • Monthly Department Journal Club 






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