
Congratulations to Dr. Leigh Cantrell

October 13, 2021 by School of Medicine Webmaster   |   Leave a Comment

The Department of OBGYN is pleased and honored to congratulate Dr. Leigh Cantrell on her recent appointment to Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology with tenure.  In addition to this new appointment, Dr. Cantrell is also currently serving as Interim Chair of the Department.





Comments (2)

  1. Brenda Sizemore says:

    Dr Cantrell came into my life at a period of time when I needed her most! I had been diagnosed with uterine cancer and was sent to Charlottesville to meet with Dr. Peyton Taylor and his team. He introduced me to Dr. Cantrell. Her smile and attitude toward my situation was infectious! She, very quickly, gave me hope! I feel any cancer patient, being honest, would confess to the sheer terror that just comes with the word ,”cancer”. Dr. Cantrell drew on the wonderful opportunity I. Ow had to be treated and hopefully cured. This year will make 10 years and I continue to drive the 10 hour round trip for my annual examination because, to be examined by her, to exchange some personal information about family, and just to see her beautiful, smiling face makes it worth the effort! I truly love this wonderful gift sent into my life by God Almighty!

  2. Jeri ONeil says:

    Congratulations Leigh. Know you have a passion for what you are doing in life. So proud of you and your accomplishments but more proud of the help you are giving to women with cancer who need good medical advice, attention and a warm, kind word, smile and gentle spirit to help them get through the experiences they are going through.

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