
Medical Student Research Programs at UVA

The deadline for all matches to be complete is April 30, 2025

Medical Student Summer Research Program 2025

The Dean’s Office will solicit projects from faculty at the start of the calendar year.  Students should consult the list of proposed MSSRP projects beginning early in 2025 or contact faculty sponsors directly to discuss a specific project in detail.  Students also may approach faculty directly to develop a research project that has not been posted, to be performed under the MSSRP.

The MSSRP provides a summer research opportunity that is open to rising second-year UVA medical students only.  This seven-week, extra-curricular research experience is an important element of a well-rounded medical education.  A wide range of research experiences is available, covering essentially all departments within the medical school.  As many as 94 students have participated in this program annually, gaining important exposure to the excitement, rewards, trials, and tribulations of biomedical research.  Students will receive fellowship payment for the program.  Funding is provided by a combination of faculty grants, departmental funds, individual student awards, and Dean’s Office funds. The MSSRP has several components:

  • Participation in a research project under the guidance of a faculty preceptor.  The research experience is often tailored to the student’s interests and abilities, and can include laboratory, clinical, epidemiological, or theoretical projects.  The program provides an opportunity for students to become immersed in a research project to which they can contribute actively.
  • Presentation of one’s project in an informal setting attended by other students and the program director.  These sessions allow students to discuss their research project with their peers.  Presentations must be completed by July 31, 2025.  More details to follow.
  • Attendance at departmental lectures and workshops over the course of the summer, as required by the preceptor.

  • Responsible Conduct of Research:  CITI training must be completed by June 13, 2025.

  • Submission of a final project report.  The written report stimulates students to formulate their thoughts and bring the work to completion.  Final reports are due no later than September 30, 2025.

MSSRP participants (and all other medical students) and SOM faculty are invited to attend and participate in the fall symposium.

On-line forms for faculty projects and student participants are available at the top of this page.  The faculty form should be submitted by the preceptor.  Student forms should be submitted only when student and preceptor have agreed on a “match.”

MSSRP Calendar 2025

  • Projects must be conducted during the summer between first and second year.  The summer break runs from June 2 to August 5, 2025.
  • January through April:  Projects are posted here.  Matches must be made no later than April 30, 2025.
  • May 30, 2025:  Student Agreement Form due back to the Office for Research.
  • June 13, 2025:   CITI training must be completed.
  • June-July: Presentations of project methods and goals: details to be provided.
  • September 30, 2025:  Final project report due.
  • Medical Student Research Symposium – Date:  TBA

Program contacts

Summer research projects via the Summer Medical Research Internship program

The SMRI is supported by three training grants from the NIH for short-term research training in Allergy or Infectious Diseases; Cardiovascular, Pulmonary or Hematological Diseases; and Cancer Research. Based on stated research interests, trainees who are selected to participate will be matched with one of ~140 mentors in the Biomedical Sciences Department and will receive a generous stipend of $6,000 for a 10-week commitment beginning in early June and running through early August (stipend will be prorated for shorter commitments, but the program requires at least 8 weeks of participation).  In addition to research, interns in the SMRI program are provided a professional development series designed to help explore ways in which research can be incorporated into medical careers.  In addition, trainees benefit from a communication workshop, during which they learn to effectively communicate about science by distilling and tailoring their message for different audiences. SMRI interns will be required to submit a brief final report about their work for NIH reporting purposes, to give an oral presentation at the SMRI/SRIP Final Symposium and strongly encouraged to present a poster at the Medical Student Research Symposium in early November.  Please note that NIH training grants only can support trainees who are US citizens, non-citizen nationals, and permanent residents.

For further information and how to apply.


MSSRP projects in medical education research via the Anne L. Brodie Medical Education Fund

The Brodie Medical Education Fund established the Brodie Student Scholar Award to encourage students to consider a medical education research project consistent with Mrs. Brodie’s endowment wishes. These are to support clinical education innovations on behalf of both general and generalist medical education activities. This award is open to medical students during their preclerkship education under the mentorship of a generalist faculty member in Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine or Obstetrics/Gynecology. Potential areas of interest include curriculum innovations, workplace learning projects, or position papers focused upon areas of special concern to general and generalist clinical education locally or nationally. Brodie Awards provide financial support to cover student project costs, living and related travel expenses. A letter of support for the student’s project from their faculty mentor is required in the application process. Further information on the program and how to apply.

2025 Medical Student Summer Research Program - Inova Campus

The UVA School of Medicine Inova Campus is pleased to offer a robust research catalog of opportunities for medical students who are interested in participating over the summer.

Start by scanning the catalog online and determining which projects seem interesting to you. To inquire about an opportunity, please email the primary investigator (PI) directly. Once a mutually agreed upon match has been made, the PIs have been directed to email me to confirm the match.

Expectations of the Inova Campus medical student summer research program include:

  • In-person orientation in Fairfax the first week of June 2025 or virtual orientation as needed and pre-scheduled
  • An electronic poster presentation at Research Day in Fairfax the 3rd or 4th week of July 2025
  • Timely application to the Inova Campus summer grant as it becomes available this spring if you are applying for a grant

-students are only eligible for 1 grant this summer, either MSSRP or Inova, not both

The majority of the research work will be done remotely, and some exceptions to the above responsibilities may be made due to illness or pre-arranged travel.

Here is the link to the catalog—previous students requested it as a Google document so they can access it easily on their phones:

If you have any questions about the Inova Campus medical student summer research program, please email .