
SMRI 2019

SMRI statement of interest

Statement of interest by MS-1 students who wish to participate in the NIH-funded Summer Medical Research Internship program under the auspices of the MSSRP. SMRI contact for further information: Dr. Adrian Halme (

    WHY WE REQUEST THESE DATA: Extramural peer review and federal funding are highly valued components of our summer programs. As part of our compliance with federal policy, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has requested that we provide aggregate data on participants from racial and ethnic groups who are under-represented in health-related sciences and individuals with disabilities. All information provided in this section is handled in a secure and confidential manner. For more information about what is considered a disability for these reporting purposes, please see the definitions in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, which can be found here: