Nadia Cempre, Neuroscience Graduate Program Coordinator would like to send a sincere thanks to everyone that made the NGP’s attendance of the Graduate School Fair at annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting a tremendous success! She was proud to have so many NGP Students accompany her at the booth to speak to and greet over 102 perspective students over the course of 4 days!
If you see the following Pharm trainees around, please thank them for doing such a great job representing the program:
Peter Klein(Beenhakker Lab), Katie Salvati (Beenhakker Lab), and Lise Harbom (McConnell/Beenhakker Lab)
Some other contributors to the success of the event were:
Dr. Heather Ferris, Andrew Chen, Katrina McNeely, Emily Andre, Irene Cheng, Kelly Bradford, Becca Beiter, and Dr. Jony Kipnis
Thanks to all for their outstanding efforts!