

Our Mission:

“The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation strives to enhance the quality of life and functional independence of persons with injuries and disabling illness through excellence in rehabilitative care and management, the training and education of persons in the discipline of rehabilitation medicine, and through the advancement of knowledge through research.”

-Dr. Robert Wilder, M.D., Professor and Chair of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A Rich History:

The University of Virginia Health System’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation was established in 1989, and its facilities are primarily housed at Fontaine Research Park. The department offers a full array of services under one roof with state-of-the-art equipment and a commitment to providing the best possible care and comfort for all who come through our doors. Our Department Chair, Dr. Robert Wilder, is dedicated to leading an efficient, professional, and detail-oriented staff of 17 expert faculty who treat a wide variety of rehabilitation needs. Our residency training program strives to provide the finest education possible for the next generation of rehabilitation doctors who will enter the workforce.