
Conflict of Interest in the Teaching and Evaluation of Students


Faculty who assess students

In order to ensure that assessment of students is conducted fairly and without any perception of favoritism or bias, medical school faculty who serve as Foundation of Clinical Medicine (FCM) coaches, associate/assistant deans for student affairs, and the director of academic enhancement.  in the School of Medicine may participate in teaching students but shall not be involved in assessing, evaluating or grading students for whom they provide academic counseling.  These faculty also shall not be involved in decisions about a student’s academic progress or promotion.

Faculty who are assigned to participate in teaching students for whom they provide academic counseling may request that the student be reassigned to another faculty member.  A faculty member who has participated in teaching a student for whom they provide academic counseling shall indicate that they cannot complete an assessment or evaluation for the student given the existence of a conflict of interest.

Faculty who provide health care services to students

Faculty who provide health care services to students, including psychiatric and psychological counseling, shall not be involved in assessing, evaluating or grading students for whom they provide or have provided care.  These faculty members also shall not be involved in decisions about a student’s academic progress or promotion.

Faculty who are assigned to participate in teaching students for whom they provide or have provided health care services shall request that the student be reassigned to another faculty member and shall not complete an assessment or evaluation for the student given the conflict of interest.

Procedures for faculty with an identified conflict of interest

Course, Clerkship and Elective Directors and Coordinators annually will be provided with a list of faculty who are responsible for academic counseling.  A list of students for whom a specific coach provides counseling will also be distributed to this leadership group so that a different faculty member(s) can be assigned to teach/work with the student.  If assignment to another faculty member cannot occur, the student and the faculty member will be contacted by the course/clerkship/elective leaders to reaffirm that the faculty member cannot participate in assessment or evaluation of the student and to identify an appropriate alternate assessor.

A student may request reassignment if a perceived conflict of interest exists with a faculty member by contacting the Office of Student Affairs prior to the beginning of the course or clerkship.  They also may request reassignment from the course/clerkship/elective director on the first day of the course.

Procedures for faculty who provide health care services to students

If a faculty member is assigned to teach/work with a student for whom they provide or have provided health care services, they shall request that the student be reassigned as soon as the conflict is known.  Faculty may request that a student be reassigned by contacting the Office of Student Affairs prior to the beginning of the course.   They also may request reassignment from the course/clerkship/elective director on the first day of the course.

A student may request reassignment if a perceived conflict of interest exists with a faculty member by contacting the Office of Student Affairs prior to the beginning of the course.  They also may request reassignment from the course/clerkship/elective director on the first day of the course.


UME Management Team approves changes to this policy.

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  • Revised June 2023
  • Reaffirmed August 2020
  • Revised June 2019