
Endorsement of External Entities and Products

Date: February 3, 2020
Policy ID: 2.600
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Assistant Dean for ResearchAdministration
School of Medicine, Dean’s Office
PO Box 800793
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0793
Phone: 434-982-3967

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Research
School of Medicine, Dean’s Office
PO Box 800793
Charlottesville, VA 22908
Phone: 434-982-1806

Applies to:
All School of Medicine appointees and employees, including faculty, trainees, and classified and University staff (“Covered Individuals”).

Reason for Policy:
This policy states the School of Medicine’s position on use of its name in association with industry and/or product endorsement.

Policy Statement:
A Covered Individual’s apparent or real endorsement of a product or entity, whether commercial or non-profit, must not be associated with any indication of a real or implied similar endorsement by the University of Virginia and/or School of Medicine. Therefore, any endorsement must not contain a reference to the Covered Individual’s official University title(s) or the University’s or School’s name, logo, and/or identifiable visual images of the University (such as faculty photos in front of the Rotunda or use of University letterhead). Covered Individuals should evaluate carefully, in consultation with their legal counsel, any proposal involving real or implied endorsement, because of the potential for conflict of interest and other compliance concerns.

This policy does not apply to formal marketing agreement approved by the Clinical Strategy Group, the SOM VP/Dean, the Medical Center VP/CEO, and/or the UPG CEO.

Relationship to consulting activities:
Under its external consulting policy (referenced below), the School of Medicine reviews proposed faculty consulting activities to ensure that they do not involve endorsement or promotion of the sponsor’s products or services.

Related Policies:
Faculty Conflict of Interest Policy

FIN-054: Employee Obligation to Report Potential Conflicts of Interest

RES-005: Financial Conflicts of Interest for Research Investigators

RES-006: Patenting of Discoveries of Inventions at the University (Patent Policy)

Political Activity

HRM-011: Campaigning for and Serving in a Public Office

IRM-001: Web Site Advertising

SOM 2.000, Policy on External Consulting and Professional Activities

Revision History:
Implemented 4/4/1995. Revised 2/1/06;9/22/06;2/15/11;5/9/12; reviewed with administrative updates 2/3/20

Approved 2/3/2020 by
David S. Wilkes, MD