
Faculty Resignation and Retirement Notice

Date: February 25, 2020
Number: 1.810
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Director of Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-243-4078

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-924-9030

Applies to:
Individuals who hold primary appointments in the School of Medicine as faculty in the professorial ranks.

Reason for Policy:
Provides guidance regarding the notification to the School of Medicine of a faculty member’s intent to resign or retire from their appointment. While all University faculty are governed by the University’s policy on resignation and retirement, the following states specific requirements for timely notice that enable the School of Medicine to plan for the continuity of patient care, teaching, and externally funded research projects, as well as the transfer of administrative responsibilities.

Academic non-tenure-track faculty: Academic non-tenure-track faculty may hold any of the academic or professorial ranks (lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor) provided they possess the requisite degree requirements, years of experience and level of responsibility.

Administrative and professional non-tenure-track faculty: Administrative and professional non-tenure-track faculty normally hold the academic rank of lecturer and a functional title (e.g., lecturer and assistant dean of students).

Full-time appointment: For the purposes of this policy, 80% effort or more.

Tenure/tenure-track professorial ranks: The ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor.

Policy Statement:

Any faculty member who intends to resign, retire, or transfer to another position within the University must provide that intent in writing, as described below. Any faculty member who would otherwise be eligible for a financial incentive will not be eligible for an incentive distribution if he or she is resigning or retiring and has not provided notice in accordance with this policy.

Faculty members with clinical responsibilities who intend to resign or retire from their faculty appointment shall indicate their intention in writing to their department chair as soon as possible but at least six months prior to the date of their stated last date of employment.

Faculty or staff without clinical responsibilities who are planning to resign or retire shall give written notice of their intent to their supervisor as far in advance as reasonably possible but at least one month prior to their stated last date of employment.

Notice of resignation or retirement by any faculty member will be accepted in writing by the department chair or designee. Once notice of resignation or retirement is accepted, it may not be rescinded except with the written approval of both the chair and the Dean.

Faculty who are resigning or retiring and transferring grants to another institution or to another investigator should consider providing additional notice to promote the continuity of funding.

Related Policies and Documents

Revision History: Implemented 10/1/10; administrative updates 2/25/15; revised 05/06/2021; revised 12/19/2022.