
Faculty Appointments to Administrative Positions

Date: November 5, 2020
Policy ID: 1.141
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Director of Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-243-4078

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-924-9030

Applies to:
Any School of Medicine faculty member who holds an administrative appointment in addition to his or her regular academic and/or clinical faculty appointment responsibilities.

Reason for Policy
This policy clarifies how administrative appointments are made.

Definition of Terms

Administrative appointment–An appointment with leadership and/or administrative responsibilities that are in addition to the duties and responsibilities associated with a faculty member’s academic and/or clinical responsibilities.

Policy Statement

The dean of the School of Medicine may, at his or her discretion, provide an administrative appointment to an individual to carry out leadership or administrative tasks within the school. Examples of these appointments include, but are not limited to department chair, center director, senior associate dean, associate dean, and assistant dean.

While it is the dean’s decision whether or not to conduct a search to fill an administrative appointment, he or she will consult with senior management at the School of Medicine, the provost, and the CEO of the Medical Center (for clinical administrative appointments) to make such a determination. At the dean’s discretion, he or she may make the administrative appointment without a search by appointing an existing qualified faculty member. If the dean determines a search is required, he or she may decide the administrative appointment is best filled by issuing an internal call for applications or that a national search is the best method for identifying the most qualified candidate.

Revision history:
Implemented 5/11/06; administrative update 1/26/15; administrative update 567/28/20; 11/5/20