
Guidelines for School of Medicine Support for Training Grant Proposals

Date: December 19, 2019

Contact Office:
Assistant Dean for Research
PO Box 800793

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Research
PO Box 800793

Applies to:

Faculty Principal Investigators (PI) with primary appointments in the School of Medicine.

Reason for Guidelines:

The School of Medicine is committed to providing rigorous, interdisciplinary research training for the next generation of biomedical researchers. The institution’s success is evidenced by the large number of training grant awards and the longevity of many of those awards, which reflect the excellence of our programs and the hard work of those who prepare the grant applications. The School of Medicine wishes to continue its distinction in training future scientists and to recognize the substantial effort required to prepare training grant submissions and direct these programs.

Guidelines Statement:

For each new or competing continuation training grant award the dean’s office will provide programmatic support equivalent to 5% of PI salary and fringe benefits (up to the current NIH cap) plus $10,000 in discretionary funds for training grant activities, for each year of the award. This support applies to Notices of Award (NOA) received after December 1, 2015. If the award has multiple PIs, the salary contribution will be calculated for the PI of record.

This support does not apply to training grant proposals for which the PI already receives institutional salary support, or has salary support included in the grant.

The 5% of PI salary is based on the salary of the PI and NIH cap effective at the start of each project year of the award.

Definition of Terms:

Training grant – an externally sponsored award providing support for multiple pre-doctoral and/or postdoctoral trainees. Examples include:

  • • NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional National Research Service Awards (T32).
  • • Similar funding mechanisms offered by other federal agencies, national foundations, or advocacy organizations, as approved by the Senior Associate Dean for Research. Such approval is contingent on sponsor requirement that the PI commit a specific level of effort toward the award.


The PI will forward the sponsor’s NOA to the Office for Research, which will provide formal notification to the School of Medicine Finance Office.

Related Policies or Guidelines:

NIH Salary Cap

Next Scheduled Review: November 2021

Revision history:

Revised 12/19/2019
Revised 12/5/2019
Established 12/16/15