
Research Reassignments and Educational Leave

Date: November 11, 2020
Policy: 1.800
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Director of Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-243-4078

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-924-9030

Applies to: Full-time faculty at the rank of associate or full professor, who have been employed by the School of Medicine at the rank of assistant professor or higher for a minimum of seven years at the time the research reassignment begins

Reason for Policy: The University does not have a standard system of sabbatical leaves, but it does provide a program of research reassignments and educational leaves.

In order to sustain our faculty, the dean may permit research reassignments for full-time faculty at the School of Medicine. This policy is in alignment with the University’s policies and details the conditions that are specific to the School of Medicine.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
Full-time faculty are members of the academic faculty who are employed at 100% effort and who are on-Grounds

Policy Statement:

Research Reassignment

Eligible faculty may be granted either a full-time research reassignment with relief from other duties for six months or part-time research reassignment with half-relief for one year. During the leave period, the University will make its contribution to the optional retirement plan and other benefits of the recipient to the extent allowable by federal and state law. Any costs incurred by the University associated with the research reassignment, including the cost of any benefits provided during the reassignment, will be borne by the home department of the faculty member.

A faculty member who wishes to be granted a research reassignment should submit a written request to the department chair. The request must explain the type of work that will be undertaken on the reassignment; where the work will be performed; how it will benefit the faculty member and the School of Medicine; and what period of time is involved. If the chair supports the request, the chair and faculty member will work together to determine how the faculty member’s responsibilities will be managed. As institutional funds are not available to support research reassignments, the chair and the faculty member will determine how the faculty member’s salary, fringe benefits, and other costs will be covered during the research reassignment. The chair will forward a statement of support and a summary of the plan to the dean no less than three months before the proposed start date.

The faculty member will provide the chair and the dean with a written summary within thirty days of completing the research reassignment. It is expected that any faculty member who is granted a research reassignment will remain on the School of Medicine faculty for at least two years after completing the reassignment. If the faculty member leaves employment at the University of Virginia, for any reason, prior to the conclusion of the two years, the faculty member will be required to reimburse the University in full for the direct costs of the sabbatical prior to their last day of employment.

A faculty member is eligible for a maximum of one research reassignment within a seven-year period. All research reassignments are approved at the discretion of the chair and the dean.

Educational Leave

Educational leave with or without pay may be granted for a period of up to two years, during which time the University will make its contributions to the faculty member’s retirement plan and pay the premiums for life and disability insurance, but the faculty member must pay the full cost of health insurance if he or she wishes to remain in the UVa Health Plan. Any costs incurred by the University associated with the educational leave, including the cost of any benefits provided during the leave period, will be borne by the home department of the faculty member.

A faculty member who wishes to be granted educational leave should submit a written request to the department chair detailing what specific new skills will be learned, how the new skills will benefit the School of Medicine, and what period of time is involved. As institutional funds are not available to support educational leave, the chair and the faculty member will determine how the faculty member’s salary, fringe benefits, and other costs will be covered during the educational leave. The chair will forward a statement of support and a summary of the plan to the dean no less than three months before the proposed start date.

The faculty member will provide the chair and the dean with a written summary within thirty days of completing the educational leave. It is expected that any faculty member who is granted educational leave will remain on the School of Medicine faculty for at least two years after completing the leave. If the faculty member leaves employment at the University of Virginia, for any reason, prior to the conclusion of the two years, the faculty member will be required to reimburse the University in full for the direct costs of the sabbatical prior to their last day of employment

Related Policy: UVA Leaves of Absence: Academic Leave Policy

Revision History: Created 3/3/06; revised 6/10/09; administrative updates 2/25/15; reviewed without change 3/4/20; administrative update 11/11/20

Approved 3/4/20 by
David S. Wilkes, MD
Dean, UVA School of Medicine