
Salary Support Expectations for Faculty

Date: October 2023
Number: 1.640
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Director of Faculty Affairs
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-243-4078

Oversight Executive:
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
PO Box 800793
phone: 434-924-9030

Applies to:
All faculty whose primary appointment is in the School of Medicine except for faculty who are in the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME). Salary expectations for BME faculty are governed by a separate policy that applies to faculty members in the School of Medicine and the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Reason for Policy:
This policy outlines the salary support expectations for all faculty in the School of Medicine.

Definition of Terms:
Faculty: Any individual who has a faculty contract for full- or part-time employment with the School of Medicine, is compensated for their effort, and who is not a member of classified staff, professional/administrative faculty (who are covered by the Employment of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty policy), or the professional research staff (research assistants, research associates, research scientists, senior scientists, or principal scientists, who are covered by the Professional Research Staff policy).

Policy Statement:

CLINICAL FACULTY The School of Medicine has an expectation that tenured and tenure-track academic investigators with three or more years of academic service, including tenure-track or equivalent work at previous institutions, fund at least the following portion of total base salary, administrative supplements and associated fringe benefits from extramural sources.

ACADEMIC INVESTIGATORS IN RESEARCH DEPARTMENTS The School of Medicine has an expectation that tenured and tenure-track academic investigators with three or more years of academic service, including tenure-track or equivalent work at previous institutions, fund at least the following portion of total base salary, administrative supplements and associated fringe benefits from extramural sources:

  • 50.0% by July 2023
  • 53.3% by July 2024
  • 56.6% by July 2025
  • 60.0% by July 2026 and ongoing

Extramural sources will include faculty salary supported by interdepartmental service MOUs.

Chairs of research departments are expected to generate salary support to cover base salary and fringe benefits (excluding administrative supplement).

This policy does not apply for AI faculty with greater than 40% institutionally funded effort for leadership and education positions (as identified in the Institutional Funding Plan [IFP]).

Individual department chairs may implement higher minimum expectations but they may not implement lower expectations than those set by the School.

RESEARCH FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH STAFF Research Faculty and Professional Research Staff are expected to have their salaries covered by extramural funds and the continuation of appointment to these positions is contingent on the availability of funds

Related Policies and Guidelines:
1.620 Basic Science Incentive Plan

1.630 Clinical Faculty Remuneration Plan

School of Medicine Faculty Compensation

For current minimum salaries from the Budget Office

HRM-003 Employment of Administrative or Professional General Faculty Members

HRM-033 Employment of Professional Research Staff

HRM-035 University Faculty Salaries and Bonuses

Annual Performance Reviews

Guidelines for General Faculty Staffing Due to Financial Stringency

Revision History: 
Created March 13, 2007; revised May 15, 2007; policy links updated 3/31/14; administrative updates 1/29/15; 1/22/18; administrative updates 7/27/20; administrative update 11/9/20; administrative update 2/3/23; administrative update 10/18/23.

Melina R. Kibbe, MD
October 2023