Tiouririne, Nassima Ait-Daoud
Primary Appointment
Professor, Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences
- MD, University of Algiers
Contact Information
Email: nat7b@virginia.edu
Research Disciplines
Genetics, Molecular Pharmacology, Neuroscience
Research Interests
Addiction Medicine, Neuroscience, and Pharmacology
Research Description
My research and career goal is to develop expertise in the development of medications for the addictions. In addition, I plan to link clinical psychopharmacological research with basic biochemical studies to understand the underpinnings of addiction associated with craving and treatment response. Currently, I am the Director of UVA CARE ( Center for Addiction Research and Education) and oversee clinical trials for the treatment of alcohol, cocaine, and nicotine dependence as well as investigational studies for binge eating disorder. As my career develops, my goal is to be actively involved in the research training and education of scientists, physicians, and other health care workers.