Conferences & Seminars
Location for meetings:
Aurbach Medical Research Building
Division of Rheumatology, 1st-floor conference room
450 Ray C. Hunt Drive
Fontaine Research Park (click for map)
(Exception: Radiology combined conference)
Rheumatology Grand Rounds
Every Wednesday, 8-9 am
Radiology/Rheumatology Combined Conference
Last Wednesday of the month: 8-9 am
545 Ray Hunt Drive, Fontaine Research Park
Case Conference
Every Wednesday, 9-10 am
Research in Progress
First Wednesday, 10-11 am
Rheumatology Journal Club
3rd Wednesday, 10-11 am
Didactic Conference
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 10-11 am
Multidisciplinary conferences with the departments of orthopedics and pathology are also held from time to time, as well as other special sessions.