
Melanie Worley

Worley, Melanie I.

Primary Appointment

Assistant Professor, Biology


  • BS, Biology, MIT
  • PhD, Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley

Contact Information

316 PLSB
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Telephone: 924-4374

Research Disciplines

Bioinformatics and Genomics, Biology, Cancer Biology, Development, Stem Cells & Regeneration, Genetics

Research Interests

Investigating regeneration through genetics and single-cell analysis

Research Description

How do tissues regenerate after damage? What are the mechanisms that allow cells to coordinate regeneration? The Worley lab combines experimental genetics, developmental biology, and single-cell transcriptomics to uncover the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate regenerative growth and re-patterning. We investigate these questions in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, a powerful system to study gene function. We aim to understand the genes and gene regulatory networks that are specifically activated during regeneration. Ultimately, this information has the potential to improve how we heal our own bodies through regenerative medicine.

Selected Publications