
First Aid for Poisoning

If someone stopped breathing, will not wake up, or is having seizures, call 9-1-1 right away. Otherwise, follow these first aid instructions and call the poison center: 1-800-222-1222.

FirstAidswallowSwallowed the WRONG medicine or TOO MUCH medicine?
Call the Blue Ridge Poison Center right away. Do not make the person vomit or give them anything to eat or drink. Do not administer activated charcoal or syrup of ipecac.

FirstAidEyePoisons sprayed or splashed in the eye?
Rinse with running water for 15 minutes. Then call the Blue Ridge Poison Center.

FirstAidLungsBreathed something harmful?
Get to fresh air right away. Then call the Blue Ridge Poison Center.

FirstAidSkinPoisons on the skin?
Take off any clothing or jewelry touched by the poison. Rinse skin with running water for 15 minutes. Then call the Blue Ridge Poison Center.

FirstAidswallowSwallowed something that is NOT food or medicine?
Call the Blue Ridge Poison Center right away. Do not make the person vomit or give them anything to eat or drink. Do not administer activated charcoal or syrup of ipecac.

FirstAidSnakeEncounter with a snake, spider, bee, jellyfish, scorpion, or other animal?
Keep the victim calm and call the poison center. DO NOT try to capture or kill the animal; it isn’t necessary for proper treatment and may result in a second bite or sting.