

Safety tips to protect everyone:

  • Man-with-eyeglassesDon’t guess…Be sure! Read labels on all medicines and products. Follow the instructions exactly.
  • Follow the dosing instructions on your medicines. More is not better.
  • Turn on the lights before taking medicine. Put on your glasses if you wear them. Check to make sure you are taking the right product.
  • Store food, medicines, and household products each in separate places.
  • Keep household products in their original containers. Don’t pour contents into unmarked bottles or dishes used for food and beverages.
  • Do not mix cleaning products together. You could make a poisonous gas.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Discard any leftover or expired medicines to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Additional safety tips to protect children:

  • Young girl with paint on her hands.Use CHILD-RESISTANT containers whenever possible. But remember–no container is 100% child-PROOF.
  • Keep all medicines and household products up and away, out of the sight and reach of children. If possible, store them in a locked box or cabinet.
  • Take your own medicine where children can’t watch. They learn by imitating you.
  • Don’t call medicine “candy.”
  • Use the measuring devices that come with liquid medicines. Don’t use kitchen spoons.
  • Teach children to ask before touching or tasting anything they find on their own.
  • Don’t give oral cough & cold medicines to a child younger than 2 without a doctor’s approval.