
Organogenesis & Regeneration


The stimulation of Nodal and BMP signaling

The stimulation of Nodal and BMP signaling pathwayat the animal pole of a zebrafish embryo results in the formationof a second tail (embryo at the bottom) comparedto wild-type embryo (top).  Courtesy of Thisse lab.

Organogenesis is the process of formation of organs from three germ layers. It concerns cell-cell interaction, cell fate determination, cell proliferation and survival, cell and tissue shape and size, and arrangement of cells into tissues and ultimately functional organs.

Subsequent to their formation, some organs and tissues can repair and replace themselves for homeostasis or following disease and damage, while others cannot. Some tissues only possess the regenerative capacity for a limited period of time. How complex structures are repaired and replaced following damage is a question that is addressed through the study of regenerative biology. In addition to exploring mechanisms of regenerative growth and cellular respecification, significant questions in regenerative biology remain to be answered about where and when regeneration can happen, how and why regenerative signaling is constrained by development and evolution, and how to engineer tissues in vitro.

Study of organogenesis serves as the foundation for research in regenerative biology, where generation of cells and tissues in vivo and in vitro commonly employ regulatory programs underpinning organogenesis.

Investigators in the Department of Cell Biology are tackling the control of regenerative capacity and the formation of multiple organs with cutting-edge molecular, cellular, and genetic approaches using diverse experimental systems including model animals, and organoid and cell cultures. Work in the Department has provided novel insights in organ development and regeneration, and will capitalize on its expertise in these areas as wellas in development and morphogenesis to advance tissue engineering.


Christopher Deppmann

Deppmann, Christopher

Elucidating and Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying Nervous System Development

Noelle Dwyer

Dwyer, Noelle

Neural Development; Cell Division in Neural Stem Cells; Axon Outgrowth and Guidance

Adrian Halme

Halme, Adrian J.

Regeneration and Systemic Responses to Tissue Damage

Raymond Keller

Keller, Raymond E.

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of morphogenesis

Sarah Kucenas

Kucenas, Sarah C.

The role of glia in the development, maintenance and regeneration of the nervous system

Xiaowei Lu

Lu, Xiaowei

Wnt/PCP signaling in inner ear development Mouse models for human deafness Wnt/PCP signaling in neural tube closure

David Parichy

Parichy, David

Developmental Genetics, Evolution and Regeneration

Jung-Bum Shin

Shin, Jung-Bum

Auditory Neurobiology